
I spent some time looking into this.  The CRL is issued by a certificate

  CN=dgnservice CRL2101 13:PN,O=DGN Deutsches Gesundheitsnetz Service GmbH,C=DE

However that certificate is not available:  I only found the previous one:

  ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.dgnservice.de:389 -b 'O=DGN Deutsches 
Gesundheitsnetz Service GmbH,C=DE' -x -v -LLL "CN=dgnservice CRL2101 12:PN"

without the certificate we can't verify the CRL.  Switching to OCSP does
also not work due to a missing certificate.

We have seen this problem already last year; see

Alexander: Maybe you can to ask DGN why they don't distribute that cert
but announce it in the CRL.



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein

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