
Wanted to follow forward with the below topic here as Patrick from
Enigmail suggested.

Quick Summary: CentOS 7 1708 enigmail/pinetry now asks for passphrase
all the time which was not the behavior prior to the recent update.


Yeah just ran through all the troubleshooting stuff and all works as

Pop up box with hello

key passhrase prompt and completion with gpg2 --sign

no errors

Will get in touch with the gnupg folks


On 09/21/2017 02:00 PM, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
> This really looks like some issue with gpg-agent (as if it were started
> by gpg each time something needs to be done).
> I can only recommend you to check our troubleshooting guide for gpg-agent:
> https://www.enigmail.net/index.php/en/faq-en?view=topic&id=14
> If that doesn't help, you better ask for help at the GnuPG mailing list.
> -Patrick
> On 21.09.17 14:42, Brad Zynda wrote:
>> Here is the conf:
>> # GPGConf disabled this option here at Thu 14 Sep 2017 10:10:58 AM EDT
>> # default-cache-ttl 300
>> # GPGConf disabled this option here at Thu 14 Sep 2017 10:10:58 AM EDT
>> # max-cache-ttl 999999
>> ###+++--- GPGConf ---+++###
>> default-cache-ttl 86400
>> max-cache-ttl 864000
>> ###+++--- GPGConf ---+++### Thu 14 Sep 2017 10:21:45 AM EDT
>> # GPGConf edited this configuration file.
>> # It will disable options before this marked block, but it will
>> # never change anything below these lines.
>> use-standard-socket
>> enable-ssh-support
>> ~
>> The 2 at the bottom were added to try and fix the issue based on forum
>> and mail list replies I had found, i can remove those if not needed.
>> Thanks,
>> Brad
>> On 09/21/2017 08:36 AM, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>>> You need to check the following two settings in gpg-agent.conf. The
>>> values are in seconds. Standard default is 5 minutes, but Linux
>>> distributions may choose to use different defaults.
>>> default-cache-ttl
>>> max-cache-ttl
>>> -Patrick
>>> On 21.09.17 14:28, Brad Zynda wrote:
>>>> Hi Patrick,
>>>> Sorry I never received the first response I will look at the timeout
>>>> settings, any in particular?
>>>> and will ps auxx gpg-agent.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Brad
>>>> On 09/21/2017 08:22 AM, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>>>>> On 21.09.17 14:09, Brad Zynda wrote:
>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>> With Centos 7.4 (1708) enigmail now constantly asks for a passphrase
>>>>>> (Pinetry-gtk-2) box.
>>>>>> Thunderbird 52.3.0 64bit
>>>>>> Enigmail
>>>>>> Added use-standard-socket to .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf and rebooted,
>>>>>> help.
>>>>>> tried a fresh install of thunderbird and enigmail, created new keys,
>>>>>> still asking for passphrase constantly.
>>>>> I already replied to your first email on 09/17. Did you follow my
>>>>>  This either means that the timeout settings are not correct, or that
>>>>>  gpg-agent is terminated after every operation. You can check the
>>>>>  doing "ps ax | grep gpg-agent".
>>>>> -Patrick

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