Some recent observations from the Sustaining the Knowledge Commons team that 
may be of interest to list members:

Medknow in 2018 - growing fast!

by Hamid Pashaei and Heather Morrison

Medknow<> is a commercial scholarly journal publisher 
based in India, which was acquired by Wolters Kluwer in 2011. The analysis of 
Medknow’s journals in 2018 shows that there has been a significant increase in 
number of their journals, with 23% increase comparing to 2017. It appears that 
most of Medknow’s journals are published in collaboration with different 
universities and societies in the field of medical research.


Elsevier 2018: decrease in OA journals

Highlights: in 2017, we found that Elsevier was publishing a large number of 
fully open access journals with no article processing charges due to society or 
university sponsorships. In 2018, 88 of these titles have been transferred back 
to the society or university. There has been a drop in the number of fully OA 
journals published by Elsevier, from 416 to 328 journals. The majority of 
Elsevier’s fully OA journals are still non-charging. The average APC for 
Elsevier fully OA journals in 2018 is $1,470 USD, up 6% from 2017.



Dr. Heather Morrison

Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Ottawa

Professeur Agrégé, École des Sciences de l'Information, Université d'Ottawa

Principal Investigator, Sustaining the Knowledge Commons
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