Review of Sage Open access database in 2019 shows that the number of their open 
access journals is growing, they are still following article processing charge 
model and their payment model is still pricey.

Sage currently publishes 1,200 journals. Of these, 200 journals (about 17%) are 
fully open access. Compared to the last year’s data, there is a net increase of 
41 open access journals (26% increase) published by Sage. Out of all open 
access journals, 185 journals (92 percent) have publication fees, 14 journals 
have no publication charges and 1 journal lacks the information whether it has 
processing fee or not.

Some journals from the previous years ceased publication and Sage has removed 
them from their database, but only a few of them are accessible through archive.

by Hamid Pashaei and Heather Morrison

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Heather Morrison

Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Ottawa

Professeur Agrégé, École des Sciences de l'Information, Université d'Ottawa

Principal Investigator, Sustaining the Knowledge Commons, a SSHRC Insight 
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