In brief, my reasons for opposing conflation of open access and open licensing 
is that open licenses are not sufficient, necessary, or always desirable for 
open access.

Not sufficient: there are two reasons why open licenses are not sufficient. One 
is that there is nothing in CC licenses that obligates any copyright holder or 
downstream re-user to continue to make a work available at all, never mind free 
of charge. For example, an obvious beneficiary of works made available for 
commercial downstream re-use is Elsevier through their toll access search 
service Scopus. If we consider “free of charge” to be an essential element of 
open access (I do), CC licenses allowing downstream commercial use are not 
enough. The second reason is that scholars will always need to study and draw 
from works that are beyond the scope of research, and for this reason we need 
strong fair use / fair dealing provisions in copyright. For example, while PLOS 
is a model for open licensing with respect to articles published, as a scholar 
in the area of open access economics, I need to be able to quote language from 
the PLOS website in this area, and the PLOS website per se is All Rights 
Reserved; my work requires fair dealing rights. PLOS is not unusual in this; 
differential licensing is common for “CCBY by default” publishers.

Not necessary: works that are online, free to read and free of most 
technological restrictions on re-use are in effect sufficient for most of the 
intended purposes of open licensing. Consider what Google is able to do with 
internet-based works without having to restrict searching to works that are 
openly licensing. A work in HTML or XML with no technological protection 
measures (TPM) and no copyright statement (automatic All Rights Reserved 
copyright in any Berne country) can be used for text mining and portions of the 
work can be copied, with attribution, under fair dealing. In contrast, a work 
with an open license that is produced in a format that includes TPMs is less 
available for the purposes intended by open licensing than many works that are 
openly licensed. It is important to understand that TPMs are used not only to 
protect copyright, but also to protect the integrity of works, for example to 
look and feel of graphics as well as their position with respect to text.

Not necessarily desirable: open licensing, I argue, is not always desirable. 
For example, researchers who work with human subjects (very common in the 
social sciences) have a primary ethical duty to protect their subjects from 
harm. There is a wide range of sensitivity of information shared with 
researchers, ranging from quasi-public to extremely sensitive. Material such as 
stories and images shared with researchers for the purposes of advancing 
knowledge should not be made available on a blanket basis for re-use including 
commercial purposes. In developing policy attention should be paid to common 
commercial uses of this kind of material, particularly in the area of social 
media. Decisions about open licensing are in effect decisions about balancing 
the benefits of open licensing and our ethical duty to protect human subjects. 
I argue that our ethical duty to protect human subjects requires a conservative 
approach, in individual research projects, research support services, and 


This post is an excerpt of a recent open peer review, presented by way of 
explanation of why I am posting an open peer review in a journal with a default 
license of CC-BY under All Rights Reserved copyright. The remainder of the 
sections of this open review that are relevant to copyright are posted below.

An open peer review of “Few open access journals are Plan S compliant”: third 
and final round by Dr. Heather Morrison, Associate Professor, University of 
Ottawa School of Information Studies, and Principal Investigator, Sustaining 
the Knowledge Commons, a SSHRC Insight Project. Copyright Dr. Heather Morrison, 
All Rights Reserved (explanation below)…

Copyright Dr. Heather Morrison, All Rights Reserved: explanation The default 
license for MDPI’s Publications is CC-BY. From the perspective of many open 
access advocates, open licensing is an inherent part of open access. As 
discussed by the authors, this assumption forms part of the Plan S compliance 
criteria; compliance requires CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, or CC-0 licensing, with 
recognition that funded researchers cannot impose open licensing on third party 
copyright owners whose works are include in Plan S funded researchers’ works. I 
argue that conflating open access and open licensing is a major strategic error 
for the open access movement, and that it is important for open access 
advocates to understand that arguments opposing open licensing requirements can 
reflect a strong position in favour of open access. It is a mistake to think 
that because traditional subscription-based publishers oppose open licensing 
for business reasons that this is the only reason for this opposition. Oxford 
University Press is currently imposing differential fees for authors requiring 
CC-BY, according to my research team that is gathering information on APCs. I 
oppose CC-BY requirements, but not for the same reason as Oxford. (in the 
original, from here go to the top of this post).

I have posted similar arguments in the series Creative Commons and Open Access 
 on my original scholarly blog, The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics. I 
plan to republish some of the content on this blog here and/or in other venues 
as there are some reports that people are having difficulty accessing the blog 
(hope this is temporary).

This is the full text of a blogpost which can be found here:


Dr. Heather Morrison

Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Ottawa

Professeur Agrégé, École des Sciences de l'Information, Université d'Ottawa

Principal Investigator, Sustaining the Knowledge Commons, a SSHRC Insight 
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