Over last few days we witnessed Elsevier reaching a new 5-year deal with French 
Universities, for 33,4 M euro's per year: http://scoms.hypotheses.org/293. The 
deal is also said to have a data mining paragraph. Almost at the same time news 
broke that Dutch universities did not accept Elsevier's  offer for a new deal 
for the years ahead: 
 The Dutch required major steps towards Open Access, but apparently Elsevier 
did not want to move enough to satisfy the Dutch negotiators. According to the 
press release by VSNU, the Dutch association of universities, researchers are 
now likely faced to have no access to Elsevier journals from January 2015. In a 
dutch newspaper, De Volkskrant, the negotiators said that perhaps scholars will 
need to email authors to get access, or to use versions available in 
repositories. I think this is a major test case: a full small country (although 
medium sized in research output) having no access to new content in Elsevier 

Jeroen Bosman
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