COVID-19 is a pandemic that is in the process of infecting and killing many 
people around the world. The immediate priority needs to be slowing the spread, 
understanding the virus, finding treatments and a vaccine.

COVID-19 is also an opportune case study in areas relating to open access and 
sharing of knowledge. I have already shared some approaches; here are a few 
more thoughts.

Treatments and vaccines are already under development. This is a great time to 
point out that we would all benefit more if these are not patented. If everyone 
in another country gets vaccinated, we don't need to worry about their citizens 
infecting ours. If another country gets their local outbreak under control, 
this reduces the risk for us.

One type of dangerous closure in this situation is when people suppress 
information about the illness, probably for such reasons as to save face or to 
avoid economic problems. This appears to have happened with more than one 
government, and anecdotally I have heard that hospitals are suppressing medical 
professionals' information about lack of supplies and equipment. There are 
approaches to improve this situation arising from the open government movement, 
which is meant to include protection for whistleblowers. Can we get better at 
making it easy for people to decide to share information openly?

Is the glass half empty or half full? We can point out that about half the 
PubMed articles on coronavirus are freely available, laud this as positive, and 
encourage people to free up the other half. I think this approach would be more 
likely to win converts to OA and get resources freed up than lamenting about 
the glass being half full, or worse, ignoring the fact that it's half full and 
lamenting the glass being empty.

my two bits,

Dr. Heather Morrison

Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Ottawa / 
Cross-appointed to communication

Professeur Agrégé, École des Sciences de l'Information, Université d'Ottawa

Principal Investigator, Sustaining the Knowledge Commons, a SSHRC Insight 

[On research sabbatical July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020]
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