Save the Date for Open Repositories 2020

The Open Repositories Steering Committee and Stellenbosch University is 
delighted to announce that the 15th Open Repositories Conference will be held 
in Stellenbosch, South Africa, from 1-4 June 2020. The conference will be 
organised by Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service who looks 
forward to welcoming delegates to the first Open Repositories Conference (OR) 
on the African continent.

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Stellenbosch University, located in the historical town of Stellenbosch, 
approximately 50 km from Cape Town, strives to be Africa's leading 
research-intensive university, globally recognised as excellent, inclusive and 
innovative where knowledge is advanced in service of society.

The Library and Information Service has been playing an active role in the 
African and international Open Access community for a number of years and one 
of its strategic objectives is to develop and maintain collaborative 
relationships with a range of external and internal stakeholders by advancing 
local, national and international initiatives with regards to open scholarship.

Having chosen Stellenbosch as the venue, the annual OR Conference continues its 
objective to bring practitioners working at the interface of technology and 
scholarship together. Participants at OR come from higher education, 
government, libraries, archives and museums to share their experiences and 
knowledge about repository infrastructure, tools, services, and policies. We 
hope you will join us in Stellenbosch in 2020!

For the local organizing committee:

Ellen Tise & Mimi Seyffert-Wirth

Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service<>

For the Open Repositories Steering Committee:

Elin Stangeland

University of Oslo Library<>
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