Vinod Mehta in Outlook

Out Of True

To ignore clear and present danger is foolish. A
Goebbelsian campaign has been gathering strength over
the past six weeks or so. The people who gave us the
Gujarat carnage are assiduously spreading a canard:
they say what we are witnessing in the country today
is Hindus vs The Rest of India. The demonisation of
the Hindus en bloc (Narendra Modi accuses the media
and others of portraying the entire 50 million
population of the state as rapists, assassins and
thugs), thanks to relentless vilifying and relentless
accusations of exclusive responsibility for the riots,
it seems, is total. This, of course, is a manifest and
preposterous lie. Unfortunately, on the ground, it is
to some degree working. Increasingly, one finds mild,
moderate, sensible Hindus—Hindus who feel a sense of
revulsion over the Gujarat barbarism—come up and
complain that they are greatly perturbed, even
incensed, at what they perceive is non-stop
Hindu-bashing. The 100-odd letters I get every day and
the feedback from Outlook correspondents suggests that
the propaganda is finding some takers. I understand
quiet satisfaction prevails in certain quarters at the
success of the brilliant strategy—a strategy they
believe is certain to fetch many votes. How should we
counter the lie? First, one must emphasise on every
possible occasion that the perpetrators of Gujarat and
their associates outside constitute no more than 8 to
10 per cent of India's population. The vast majority
of Hindus, including those Hindus who vote the BJP,
are as sickened by the events of the past two months
as the rest of us. Thus, it is not Hindus vs The Rest
of India, it is a tiny minority of Hindus vs The Rest
of India. Secondly, those who are on the side of the
angels would do well to reduce the decibel level of
their denunciation. The perpetrators, happily, stand
fully exposed and our combined energies might now be
usefully channelled into seeing how the rehabilitation
of the riot victims can be speeded up. Hinduism, one
of the world's great religions, is in grave danger of
falling into the hands of extremists determined to
pervert its sublime truths. We cannot allow that to

Repositories Of Grace
How has secular India faced up to the onslaughts
against the Constitution? All things considered,
pretty well. The government pretends, or likes to
pretend, that without media mischief they would have
"managed" the fallout, but the reality is that civil
society—of which media is just one part—has stood
shoulder to shoulder in defence of settled national
values. What has embarrassed the rulers most is not so
much the media coverage as the National Human Rights
Commission (NHRC). Us English-speaking hacks, writing
in our out-of-touch English publications, could be
dismissed as self-hating Hindus. However, you cannot
easily dismiss the investigations and conclusions of a
statutory body headed by a retired chief justice of
India. I believe Justice J.S. Verma and his team
worked with exemplary courage and professional
integrity and had the guts to take on both the state
and the Union government. The credibility of the nhrc
currently is on par with the Election Commission. The
highest court in the land has played a salutary role
too, as have scores of NGOs and the Minorities
Commission. Independent media bodies such as the
Editors' Guild have substantiated what the nation
already knew. The institutions protecting secular
India may be slightly battered and a trifle
demoralised but at moments of crisis they come

Help Lines
Lots of enquiries from friends and readers about where
they can send money for the Gujarat riot victims. If
you are reluctant to send cheques to the CM’s relief
fund or any other official relief agency for
understandable reasons, here are three organisations
which will make good use of your money and concern: ·
Aman Ekta Manch: C/o Jagori, C-54, South
Extension-Part II, New Delhi 110 048 ·  Citizen’s
Initiative: Opposite St Xavier’s School, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad 380 009 ·     ActionAid India Society:
ActionAid, 71 Uday Park, New Delhi 110 049

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