The University of Chicago will be screening the movie "Goa Under Siege" (Gargi Sen, 1999) this Wednesday (May 24), as part of the series "Positive Images of India" organized by the South Asian Students Organization.

I was invited to lead the discussion that follows "Goa Under Siege", and will comment on the development of tourism industry in Goa and the "anti-tourism" lobby which apparently prevails in the film. I have very good socio-economic data on Goan society and tourism, in addition to my own interviews with villagers and hippies.

Still, I would be very grateful to know the opinions of list subscribers regarding the film "Goa Under Siege". In particular, what would you point out regarding how the film covers (or misses to) in its treatment of tourism in Goa? Even if you haven't seen it, what is your stance in relation to the "anti-tourism lobby"?

Your opinion is greatly appreciated and respected. Please send a copy of your email to:

Obrigado & Viva Goa,

Anthony D'Andrea

Anthony A. Fischer D'Andrea, Ph.D.
Dept. Anthropology, University of Chicago

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