It is sad that a journalist of Sandesh Prabhudesai's calibre has had to
justify his stand and defend Sunaparant of which he is Editor.

   Sunaparant, as I see it and read it, is the most balanced local daily
and I salute Sandesh for it. He has not once allowed his personal views to
colour the face of the paper. The fact that, as Miguel has said,
few people today read the Sunaparant, is a pity but I am sure this is
changing soon, as Sunaparant offers the best reading material and a wide
spectrum of views, everyday.

   Newspaper columns serve as a platform for writers to express their
personal opinions and as such should not be mixed with the newspaper's
'agenda', if any. If a Datta Naik is allowed to say his stuff, why not a
Subhash Velingkar? And if anyone has something to say contrary to what a
columnist writes, why not say it through that very paper?

   All of us who know Sandesh personally, and this includes Miguel, should
know that Sandesh is above caste and communal bias. He is one of the few
baamans I know who isn't exactly ecstatic about being one.

   I really wish, once again, that Sandesh did not have to defend
Sunaparant and offer justifications when he has single-handedly elevated the
status of the paper to being a balanced, zestful and intelligent daily.

   Sapna Sardessai

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