" Dasmunshi killing Indian Football " : Pacheco

At a press conference for journalists, Fransa club
chairman Mr. Micky Pacheco said that he had received
AIFF's emergency committee decision at 5:30 pm and had
replied to the same within half an hour. Speaking to
the journalists he said that he sees no reason why
their protest should be rejected. 
" I run the club without contributions, with my own
money and yet there is no respect for the money that I
am investing. Dasmunshi has been around for 16 years
and he changes the running of the AIFF as and when he
wants. When Dr. Vijay Mallya wanted to become the
president, the constitution was changed and it became
compulsory for a person to be a part of AIFF for 5
years if they wanted to head the AIFF. This Vision
India and the World Cup dream will remain a dream
only." Pacheco also accused Dasmunshi of being
responsible for killing Indian football. " AIFF is
concerned about T.V and sponsors and not about Indian
Football. All the money that they get from this
sources is manipulated by AIFF. That is why FIFA
stopped a certain amount of money that the AIFF was
supposed to receive." He also added that he was
willing to continue in the league provided the verdict
is in their favour. " I am only asking for justice and
trying to save Indian football as Dasmunshi is killing
it. Damunshi wants only certain clubs in the NFL, he
is not interested in Indian football."

" If you'll want me to prove that Fransa is good, give
me a replay against Mahindra. Mahindra should also
write to the AIFF asking for a replay as they are
aware that the referee was wrong. I sent a letter to
the AIFF the very 2nd day of the match saying that I
won't take part in the match on the 3rd Feb. unless a
verdict is out. They asked us to appear for the
manager's meeting, and we answered in the negative.
Despite informing them, they send Air India to the
ground for the match. It just goes to show their lack
of organization? I request football lovers and the
media to please come out in the open."

When questioned on his plan of action, he replied, "
If no justice is done, I will disband my team. No club
in India has an age group structure like Fransa has.
We have 200 players registered with us in all the
various age groups. I will pay my players though."


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