Today's Margao Police Station is an imposting building  but during the
colonial regime it was a longish ground floor building known as Quartela
with its many calaboussos  where suspects were interrogated , threatened
and  flogged with chicote.

Right in the southernmost corner  of the quartela where the road splits into
two, one to Loyola School and the other to Fatima Convent, was a room  which
was either an office or residence of  the famous or rather infamous Agente
Casimiro Monteiro of PIDE  (  Policia Internacional da Defeza do Estado ) .

I have a vague recollection of Agente Casimiro who in his white vest used to
lean on the window and watch school children go to these two schools.

It must have been in the early fifties when we as teenagers  used to go to
school in small garrulous groups.  One fine morning right in front of Agente
Monteiro on his window,  I said to my colleagues in Portuguese   ''Arreh '
one day or other, Goa will be free from the colonial rule ''  .  Agente
Monteiro  heard me  ( and at that time, I didn't know  who he was )   and
gave me a sort of wry smile.

On being told of his identity, my carefree trips to Loyola School were never
the same again.


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