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 A detective novel, a tiatr and a book on Coconut have all been released in
 span of one week.  What makes it wonderful is that all the three books are
 in our Mai Bhas, Konkani, and in the easy to read Roman script.

 This Sunday the Roman Catholic Church's Archdiocese of Goa & Daman is
 finally releasing the Holy Bible[Latin word, Biblos = Book] in Konkani. It
 is in the Roman Script as is the original Bible put together by St. Jerome
 or the VULGATE [ Latin Vulgare = Common] and the English translations
 beginning with the Authorized Version [authorized by King James of England
 because the Catholic Church had by then forgotten why St. Jerome had
 written/compiled the Bible in common man's Latin instead of the academic
 literary Latin of his times. The first few translations of the Bible into
 English went up in flames along with the translators, who were burnt at the

 my question but the title of the book, and tiatr, written by  Mario Menezes
 and published by Dalgado Konknni Akademi. It was released on 28 May, 2006,
 at a tiatr in Kala Academy, Panaji.

 NAL'LACHI  LAGVODD [COCONUT CULTIVATION] is a technical book on coconut
 cultivation written by my friend and former colleague [ I left the job, not
 he], Nevil Alphonso, who has written it in the common man's Konkani so that
 the farmers and home scale growers of the coconut tree can read and
 understand it. It is priced at Rs.50/- a copy thanks to a Goa Government
 grant through the  Goa Konkani Akademi. It was released on 29 May [ See
 Navhind Times of 30 May, 2006 for report]

 JANYA-CELI is a detective thriller by the James Hardley Chase of Konkani in
 the Roman script, Bonaventure Peter Fernandes, popularly  known as
 Bonaventure D'Pietro. I have known him for a long time as a Saxaphonist [At
 my request, he played in the Darbar Hall of the Raj Bhavan last month!] and
 father of the gifted musisians in the "D'Pietros" band that livens up the
 Sao Joao at Siolim every 24 June afternoon. [If you have not enjoyed a 'Sao
 Joao' boat/float parade, come to St. Anthony's Church, Marna-Siolim at 3.00
 P.M. It  has a Mhapsemkar Parish Priest, Fr. Brito Furtado, this year.] .
 JANYA CELI, financially supported by Goa Konkani Akademi, and published by
Tomazinho Cardoz's publishing house OMOR PROKAXON, was released on 30 May,
2006, to mark the Goa's 19th Statehood
 Day. A report can be seen on page 5 [top, centre]of the Navhind Times dated
 01 June, 2006.

 The POVITR PUSTOK [HOLY BIBLE] complete with the all-new translation of the
 ADLO KORAR  [Old Testament] and the already available  NOVO KORAR [ New
 Testament] will be released by the Archdiocese of Goa & Daman after a
 special mass on Sunday 04 June, 2006 at 10.00 A.M. in the Se Cathedral . I
am already getting requests for copies from Mumbai and abroad. I do hope the
copies are available on sale with the Basurkars and Kuwaitkars and Dubaikars
are in Goa on a holiday. Domnic Fernandes is leaving today and has missed
getting a copy.

 The latest issue of the GOENCHO ULO to mark Goa's 19th Statehood Day and
 250th birth Anniversary of the birth of Abbe [Jose Custodio de] Faria...and
 the beginning of its second year of publication [ it is using the Indian
 fiscal year as a marker] is ready for uploading. Erratic power supply, due
 to cyclonic conditions and rain, delayed the issue which we had hope to
 upload by 31 May, 2006. The front page carries a picture of a commerative
 postcard that could have been issued in India, but was unfortunately not
 issued. Perhaps, one may be issued on his 251st birth anniversary in true
 Indian tradition of not doing anything in "full" numbers ;-)

 Viva Goa.


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