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Attitude is the bottom line.

Possibility and Problem are two sides of the same coin.

Recently we had a Writeshop at International Centre-Goa to document the 
achievements in 'shifting cultivation' in a state in India. The Writeshop 
[Writers' Workshop] is a system that puts a field level officer amidst his/her 
peers, editors, illustrators, DTP persons and facilitators to help draw out 
the experiences, polish and document them in a coherent text shorn of 
technical jargon and embellished with graphs and illustrations so as to be 
understandable to a cross section of readers. People can use what they can 
understand. Jargon impresses but does precious little to enhance the knowledge 
level of the uninitiated. This book will become a 'Source Book' not only for 
the people of North Eastern states of India but even for people in other 
countries, from Argentina to Zambia, who practice 'shifting cultivation' of 
rice that is locally known as 'kumeri' cultivation.

The developed Western countries normally view 'shifting cultivation' 
in 'developing' countries as a problem that causes environmental degradation 
and increases level of Green house gases [GHGs] that cause global warming. The 
people who practice shifting cultivation consider it as integral to life as 
breathing: they live on the rice produced by this method. To them, GHGs are of 
no concern at all as they live in the green, forested countryside. A few trees 
burnt here or there are nothing to bother them. The enormous amounts of GHGs, 
generated by burning of diesel and petroleum products, similarly do not bother 
the developed countries. A via media was found through which the Western 
countries could help the people of North Eastern states to increase the 
productivity of their rice crop along with the protection of the forests. The 
project implemented in India became a Win-Win programme that others want to 
emulate. The Writeshop was designed to document this success and to make it 
available to planners, policy makers and farmers in similar situations. 
A 'problem' was transformed into a 'possibility' that will make ripples around 
the world. It will touch and change lives for the better. Goa is proud to have 
provided the venue and the personnel to make this possible…and earn both money 
and experience from it.

At the Writeshop was a young lady from Philippines who is a mother of an eight 
years old boy. She is a devout catholic and had been married for a decade that 
I have known her. Now suddenly she finds herself 'unmarried'. She is not a 
spinster any more because she has been married for ten years and has a child 
by that marriage. She is not divorced because both, the Government of 
Philippines and the Roman Catholic Church to which she has allegiance, do not 
recognize divorce. She was married. Her marriage has be annulled, a unique 
system of negating ground reality practiced by the Catholic Church. She is 
unmarried, not divorced or separated. She also has a legitimate and legal 
child. I can imagine the trauma of the boy, legitimate son of parents who have 
since been unmarried. The parents are now free to marry, as most unmarried 
couples do, or join any congregation to become priest or nun. I can now truly 
understand what fellow Bardezkar, Jose Custodio de Faria, must have undergone 
en route to understanding 'lucid sleep' and becoming a famous pauper in Paris 
called Abbe Faria. While he was still a teenager, his mother became a 'Sister' 
and then a 'Mother Superior' at the Santa Monica nunnery. His father, Caetano 
Vitorino de Faria, treated his marriage with Dona Rosa de Sousa as a brief 
interlude in his seminary life. He went back to it to finish what he had begun 
before marriage. Annulment is such a wonderful mechanism for the couple to 
begin life anew…and separately.

With far less provocation, teenagers of today are willing to kill or end their 
own lives through suicide. Imagine having to call ones own father as 'Fr. XYZ' 
or one's mother as  'Mother Superior'. Perhaps the ideal way out is to follow 
the maxim,'If you can't beat them, join them.' Jose Custodio de Faria joined 
the seminary and became a priest and the whole family became a part of the 
service of God. Actually, Jose Custodio de Faria could have been part of the 
statistics of suicide victims. Instead, he experimented and came up with the 
principles of hypnotism which are now used to understand suicidal tendencies 
and to treat such disorders. One young and enthusiastic counselor, Mahalaxmi 
Bhobe, has volunteered to help in combating such suicidal tendencies amongst 
students in Bardez during the current academic year. That, perhaps, is the 
best tribute one can pay to the great Bardezkar, Abbe Faria,   who would have 
been 250 years old this month end. No one lives that long. Abbe Faria lives 
through his dedicated work and discoveries. Whether the Government of Goa, the 
Archdiocese of Goa & Daman, the Corporation of City of Panaji, the Indian 
Medical Association-Goa Chapter, IPHB, Psychiatry & Psychology Associations, 
Village Panchayats of Colvale and Candolim or any other body wants to 
celebrate the event or not, it matters little. Abbe Faria's work helps to save 
lives and make them fuller than they would otherwise be!  (ENDS)

Miguel Braganza's column at:


The above article appeared in the May 26, 2006 edition of Gomantak Times, Goa

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