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Goa everyone believes is indeed a land of SUN FUN &
PLENTY. There's so much of SUN that every one believes
"one can make hay while the sun shines".

After this writer reported the case of  a fake "civil"
engineer from Pulvado Benaulim Salcete Goa  who  is
still evading arrest.  

Here is a case of another   "doctor" who is now
believed to be put on the run.  He has a flourishing
practice in South Goa Salcete Taluka at two places to
be precise.

The testimonials of the "Doctor" as was given to
understand to this writer by an individual, for
investigations,  is that he possess the qualification
on M.H.M.B.S and the same is from (BOM) which means
Bombay University. But  the Registration Number is
maintained  as a secret as of now?

What surprises  one is that many RMP's look amazed at
the abbreviation M.H.M.B.S and what it could stand
for?  Is it a qualification under allopathy, ayurveda,
homoeopathy, "unani" or what have you they wonder?

One senior Registered Medical Practioner disclosed to
this writer this evening that this could be a
qualification issued by the Calcutta University (now
Kolkatta) somewhere before 1940 to those practicing

But  if this is true then the "Doctor" who is in
possession of this degree or Diploma in homoeopathy
could definitely not be genuine one as he definitely
appears to be born much later then 1940.

On a look at the body language of this "Doctor" when
this writer saw him at one of his consultancy room 
there was an indication that he is aware that his game
is up. 

But until such time the Indian Medical Council, the
Maharashtra Council for Homoeopathy or the Calcutta
University fails to give a clarification on the query,
raised by this writer  the name of the "Doctor" has
been withheld.

Meanwhile this writer would appreciate if any of the
readers could  assist this writer in deciphering the
meaning of M.H.M.B.S . 
Incidentally this "Doctor" is well connected, in high
social circles  just like the fake "civil" engineer
who is now on the run.

The Indian Medical Association in Goa should have a
re-look at all the testimonials of the Doctors
practicing in Goa just as a measure of abundant

Similarly all other Medical Associations and
Institutions connected with the medical practitioners
should follow suit. 

There would be a temptation for a notorious Doctor to
feign ignorance of where his/her testimonials lie or
that they could be eaten by white ants or lost in a
fire as the common alibi when exposed.

But fear not in such cases surely one would remember
his alma mater the portals of the Institution from
where he/she passed through and once this information
is obtained the Institution would readily make
available the information. If they dont this writer is
willing to assist free of cost.

One hint is to have a look at Doctors who begin
practice in slum areas or rural areas where ST/SC's
abound, there may be some exceptions though but here
this could be his/her "ideal laboratory" to start with
with no questions asked by the unlettered patients.

For the patients visiting the Doctors they would do
well to ensure that the Registration Number the
Institute/Council/Place is clearly mentioned. 

Feel free to ask your Doctor from which University
he/she has passed out or obtained his/her
testimonials.  Merely by years of practice one need
not possess genuine credentials. The Income Tax Rules
also makes it mandatory for Doctors to maintain a
record of their clients diagnosis, payment of fees and
therefore this information can be yours for the asking
under The Right to Information Act & Rules in force
from 12/10/2005

It is already on record that the fake 
"Civil Engineer " now on the run was entrusted several
jobs by the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. Though the
Archdiocese has yet not issued a clarification on
their stand vis-a-vis the "fake civil engineer" even
well over two months now. It is clear that they have
resigned to their fate of being duped.  At best they
could "stop payment" of outstandings to the "fake
civil engineer" and recover or seek indemnity if the
structures so restored constructed suffer damage or
ruin within reasonable time.

You too could pounce on another fake professional --Be
on alert, and watch out for more on this issue.

Borda Margao Goa

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