
Put a New Airport in the Desert

Monday, March 20, 2006

Having attempted to convert the city of San Diego's underused and poorly
managed Brown Field municipal airport into a privately financed and managed
air-cargo facility, I can share some realities with the San Diego County
Regional Airport Authority, and the public, about airport development.

First, regional airports are big economic generators. Really big. All the
econo-geeks agree. You pretty much can't do anything more economically
stimulating. It allows promising area businesses to become great. It
attracts far more new companies than, say, a sports stadium or baseball
park. It produces a tsunami of well-paid, career-type jobs, white and blue
collar, union and non-union.

The whiners don't like that story. But, don't believe the nay-sayers -- most
of them already have good jobs and their special interests, not the public's
interests, are usually at the heart of the opposition.

If you want better jobs in the future and good jobs in your kids' future,
it's hard to beat a working airport for sheer economic promise delivered.

Airports are really hard to do. Before taking on the Brown Field project in
2001, I was anecdotally told by a government guy that it was easier to
invade a foreign country than to franchise a new airport. Seemed like an
overstatement at the time. It wasn't.

Airports stimulate great visionaries and public leaders, but also breed
economic small mindedness and sycophantic civic cowards. You can not avoid
either in this quest. So, in the end, that means that you have to really
want to go forward enough to stand up the blowback that will occur.

Our prior political leaders were certainly not up to it. The airport
authority will not find a little safe place where everybody likes what they
do. If we do this, history will be our final judge, but there will certainly
be some interim judging that will be, well, a bracing experience for the
weak of will.

Where to put it? Depends on what you are trying to achieve.

As a general rule, new big regional airports are usually sited way out
there. Couple of reasons for that: First, you want to be able to "grow into"
the airport for about the next 100 years. Remember the first rule: Airports
are very hard to do. So, do this one like you won't be able to have a
do-over for, say, 200 years.

When Dulles International was commissioned 50 years ago in 1958, they sought
a 10,000-acre site. To get there, they had to cut a four-lane freeway over
40 miles into thick forest. I first landed there many decades ago and rode
into D.C. for 60 minutes through forest you could not see through. You also
did not see a car, or truck, a yak, or anything.

It was like landing on the moon.

Today, every foot of that forsaken highway is packed with great corporate
and commercial buildings populated by well-paid folks that live in nearby
residential areas. You see, you need the open space to fill in over time
that generates the jobs, growth and wealth of the area. And, the growth
comes. Dulles did 2.5 million passengers in 1975. It's up to 40 million-plus
now. In full build-out, it will do 55 million annual passengers (over
150,000 people per day and mega-tons of cargo).

How about Denver International in Colorado? It opened in 1995, about 40
miles from downtown Denver, in what was then the middle of the boonies.
(Note, it's geographically a bit easier to site airports in places that with
land all the way around the center of the city. That's not the case here: we
can't go west because it is inconveniently filled with salt water; can't go
south due to a foreign flag; can't go north because people got there first
and now everybody lives there; so, the only two real options are east, or in
the middle of the city.)

Denver pitched its airport tent on 53 square miles of property. Yikes!
That's five times as large as Manhattan! They now have six runways and did
42.4 million passengers with in year 10 of its existence. It's a big dog.

There is no question The San Diego Union-Tribune supports the airport moving
from Lindberg to Miramar, even if the Marines do not think that such a good

You probably have observed that nobody builds a new regional airport in the
middle of an established cityscape, for a couple of good reasons. One,
because it is threatening to immediate neighbors (NIMBY's don't just live
here). Remember, Lindbergh Field did about 17.4 million passengers last
year, or about one air operation (a landing or take off) per minute. Dulles
and Denver are at about 42 million passengers (plus cargo, which we don't

So if you put a major airport like Dulles or Denver at Miramar, you are
talking about three or four air operations per minute over Penasquitos,
Scripps Ranch, Tierrasanta, UTC and La Jolla. Busy skies forever. And two,
because the new economic fizz has no where to go if all the space around the
airport is already used for other things. Keep that in mind.

So, if there is an airport move in our future (?), to me the site thing
comes down to Miramar, in the middle of the city (if those Marines that
invested billions will give us for free the airport to which we are no-doubt
entitled, but were never ready to build for ourselves); or, the Imperial

Why Imperial Valley? Because they have a jillion acres of land, routine
good-operations weather, a limited economy, which would benefit greatly from
a regional airport, the ability to operate at all times every day -- not an
option even at Miramar.

And finally, they really want it! Oh, and for us they also have water, which
we need desperately and which they might be willing to deal on if we can
help them find a real job producer like an airport for their children who
cannot today look forward to an economic future as is available here.

And one of the best things that could ever happen to San Diego would be for
our nearest neighbor to the east to become financially prosperous. Products,
services, recreations; where do you think they would spend their money?
Here, of course.

But, isn't Imperial Valley's 90 miles just too far away from San Diego? Yes,
but Dulles's 40 miles was too far away from Washington, D.C. 50 years ago.
Denver International's 40 miles was the moon 15 year ago. And, 10 years ago
it was absurd to think folks would commute to San Diego for work from
Temecula, 70 miles away. Heck, in 1945 when the legendary golf course
architect, William F. Bell, envisioned the great golf courses at Torrey
Pines, the City Council openly groaned about its viability because it was
all of 20 something miles from downtown, and nobody would motor that far on
surface streets just to play golf!

If history means anything, isn't it likely that all the land and highways
leading to and from the San Diego/Imperial Valley regional Airport complex
will be filled in with communities, and companies that live off the access
to that type of infrastructure.  Isn't that what economic engines are all
about? Isn't that what has happened everywhere else?

Expensive? Sure, but just the next improvement budget for Dulles Airport in
Washington D.C. is greater than what we would spend here, including
transportation improvements.

If 40 million travelers paid a $4.50 airport fee (what they pay now) that is
$180 million each year. At 5-percent debt cost, that amount would finance
$3.6 billion. Might be able to build some pretty good road and rail
alternatives with that sum.

We will likely get Miramar as the "consensus" recommendation for a new
airport. I admire those who are put in the positions of making these
difficult decisions. But, to miss this opportunity to really make something
remarkable happen here, something that could happen here; what a heartbreak.
But, I've been there before.

Patrick Shea was the president and chief operating officer of BFAP, the
city's former partner in the public-private development of an air cargo
facility at Brown Field. That project was discontinued by the council in

After someone has had a chance to digest this very readable account we can
discuss the similarities and differences with Goa (i.e. Dabolim and Mopa).
Maybe  I will do it anyway. Watch this space!

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