* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
                   to virtually any part of the world.

Now that the High Command has  summoned and"spoken" to our Congress big
wigs,I trust the CM will be able to show  he is indeed in charge! He has  to
quickly do what it takes.
First Law and Order.Sundays Newspaper headlines "Daylight robbery in
Mapusa", "Man murdered in Kundaim  Industrial Estate","Thieves Decamp with
valuables", all on april 8th. All cases futile use of sniffer dogs and
results for restoring public confidence or putting fear of  God into
criminal elements. It will  also be foolish to ignore the serious  attempts
to disrupt communal harmony . Prevention is better than cure,specially in
these emotive issues.Justice  must  clearly  be seen to prevail .
Second Traffic chaos. It is indisciplined,unregulated, terribly and
increasingly accident prone.If Mr Suresh Pilernkar (RTA  Salcete)can get the
AGPBOA  to follow laws,iron out irregularities like stopping anywhere, no
tickets or uniform etc and enforce it , also sometime back huge illegal
hoardings( which most are against the rules/law) , specially along
roundabouts and the Highways were attempted to be pulled down in South Goa,
why not concerted coordinated action for all Goa?

.The illegal hoardings and  everything else, except
the above two can wait a bit. The heavens  in  Goa will fall if the
abovementioned are  not seriously attended to.   [ Incidentally,I have a
recent letter from the government addressed to me (stamped both ,Most IMM
&Top Priority)which took 8days by post  to reach me from Panaji  ]

Regarding Panchayat Raj, why does it take a Central Minister, Mani Shanker 
Aiyer, to  solve the problems of the people of Goa, who have been 
unfortunately non violently, crying in vain  for Justice? Do the people have  
to complain or to behave like hooligans to get this government to act/ 
implement the  Rules and Regulations!

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