Chettinaad fried chicken

1 medium-sized (800 gm) chicken
2 medium-sized onions
1-inch piece ginger
4-6 cloves garlic
4 green chillies
4-6 red chillies whole
10-12 curry leaves
½ tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp rice flour
Salt to taste
Oil to shallow fry

Clean, wash and slit chicken through the backbone and breast, into two equal halves. Make three to four half-inch deep cuts on breast and leg pieces. Peel, wash and roughly chop onions, ginger and garlic. Remove stems, wash and roughly chop green chillies. Remove stems of red chillies and grind to a smooth paste along with onion, ginger, garlic and green chillies, adding a little water if required. Wash, drain and finely shred curry leaves.

Blend turmeric powder, lemon juice and rice flour into the masala paste and mix in salt to taste. Apply this mixture thoroughly and liberally on chicken and leave to marinate for two to three hours, preferably in the refrigerator. Mix in shredded curry leaves. Heat oil in shallow pan, add marinated chicken and sauté for two minutes on both sides to seal the exterior. Reduce heat to medium, cover with a lid and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, turning over and basting frequently with remaining marinade. Sprinkle a little water if chicken starts drying. The last few minutes of cooking should be done on high heat, so that the surface of the chicken is crisp and golden brown. Cut into smaller pieces and serve hot.

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