Church sex abuse costs tripled in 2005

Washington, April 1 (DPA) The Roman Catholic Church in
America spent $399 million in 2005 on settlements with sex
abuse victims, triple the amount of the year before,
according to reports.

An additional $68 million was spent on lawyer's fees,
psychological counselling and other expenses, The Washington
Post reported Friday.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops released its annual
report on efforts to protect minors from sexual abuse by
priests, a scandal that has been unfolding in the US since

After dozens of court cases and convictions, the church has
paid out nearly $1.5 billion to victims. More than 12,500
victims have come forward and 5,000 US priests have been

Those numbers have gone up since the bishops' 2004 report,
which said that 4,000 priests - or four percent of the
Catholic clergy - had been accused from 1950 to 2002, and
10,000 children, mostly boys between the age of 11 and 17,
had allegedly been victimised.

The Bishops conference has taken the lead in tackling the
scandal, holding hearings and releasing several reports since
2002. They also engaged the John Jay College of Criminal
Justice to research the criminal side.

These experts, however, found a sharp decline in the number
of cases since the early 1990s.

Decades of lax response by higher-ranking clergy to abuse
cases ended in 2002, with the first criminal prosecution of a
priest in the Boston Area. The Boston archdiocese has been
nearly bankrupted and forced to close parishes to pay out
settlements, and high ranking church officials have stepped
down across the country in the wake of similar trials

The US scandal followed more than a decade of revelations
about similar abuse around the world, including Ireland,
where the government had to pay settlements to victims
because it had engaged the Catholic church to run its
orphanages, where much abuse had occurred.

New York's John Jay College of Criminal Justice was
commissioned by the US bishops in 2002 to conduct the
unprecedented statistical survey of child sexual abuse in the
US church.


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