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Come what may, Govt will remove River Princess: Willy

PANJIM, JAN 10 — Removal of the M V River Princess wreckage may cost
6.5 million dollars, said Deputy Chief Minister and  Tourism Minister
Dr  Wilfred  de  Souza referring  to  quotations  furnished   by the 
three-member expert panel, which inspected  the  vessel in  October 
last  year.

"I have discussed this matter with the Chief Minister," Dr de Souza
said  adding that  the  Government  will try  to  arrange   the 
finances and make  "whatever   sacrifices"  it  has  to, to  remove 
the  grounded vessel.
Dr de Souza said that besides this report from the three-member
expert, some  proposals  from others  interested  in removing  the 
vessel   have  also been received.
The new Secretary for Environment  R Negi is studying this and  a 
report  is  expected  from him shortly.
"We don't want   to repeat the  mistakes  of the past," he  said
referring to  various  implications.   He   added  that   the
Government  was  anxious  to    remove  the  vessel  at  the 
Dr  de  Souza also  ridiculed  the  Calangute  MLA Agnelo Fernandes
for  his alleged   threats to  strike  on the  roads  over  the 
failure  on the part  of  the  Government  to  remove  the  vessel.
The Congress MLA had been raising the issue time and again but
irrespective of the Government in power, no committed action seems to
have been taken to remove the ship.
STONE CRUSHERS: Regarding the stone crushing activities   causing
pollution   and  the  Saleli  incident,   Dr  de  Souza  said  that 
the  Pollution Control Board has  been directed  to  furnish  a list 
of the  existing stone  crushers  authorised  to establish and 
operate  in the  said  area.
He also  said  that  the  Board   is  writing to the  Central
Pollution Control Board  for norms  in this direction. As reported on
Monday,  the State Pollution Control Board seems helpless in taking
action against stone crushers for lack of clarity in the norms
regulating such activities.
CRZ: He was also critical    on a  news  report  appearing  in one  of
the  local  dailies  on Tuesday over the  appointment  of    Anjuna 
on the  Goa  State  Science, Technology & Environment Committee.
The  report had alleged  that  a Sarpanch allegedly involved   in CRZ 
    violations  was  rewarded   a post  on the  Board.
Dr  de  Souza  clarified  that  he  has   inquired  into the  matter
where the CRZ authority does investigations  and   the  Anjuna 
Sarpanch    is  not  guilty   until he  is proven  guilty.
He also   said  that  he proposed  the names  of  the  three  
representatives   from  village  panchayats  on the  Board 
particularly Anjuna  and  Calangute in view  of  illegalities 
occurring  in  the  said  two  panchayat areas.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England
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