To all concerned.

This clarification is issued  as there are reports, that some  select Hindu 
Brahmins are engaged in a whisper campaign, to state the contrary of what has
been stated below:

The lovers of Konkani in Roman script have been consistent in their stand.

Konkani in  Devanagari script the Official language to continue and a similar 
demand for Konkani in Roman script.

Remember two wheels of a bullock cart alone  can move it ; likewise  is the 
case with Konkani in both scripts Devanagari and Konkani in Goa. In Karnataka 
it could be Kannada and so on


No one desires to undo what was enacted on 4th February 1987.  

Only  a clear DEMAND 

and its  NOW or NEVER ----that the 36 MLA's of Goa Legislative Assembly should 
IN December 2005 / January 2006 enact and pass an amendment to include Konkani 
in Roman script  which in any case ought to deserve, if not equal, but better 
preference as an official language, considering it is in use since the 16th 
century unlike Konkani in  the Devanagari script revived by "Shenoi Goembab" 
in  the 20th century.

It is also the demand and an OPEN CHALLENGE once again by  all Konkani Roman 
script lovers  that 

01  )  All those who represented the interest of Goans in the Sahitya Akademi, 
New Delhi General Council for Konkani ---with their  evil designs,  on 
21.11.1981 stating ---that "only the DEVANAGIRI script  would be the script 
for Konkani"  should  STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT -----now that a wild debate is 
raging on the conspiracy committed by SOME select Hindu Brahmins much before 
the language agitation of 1986  under the "garb of maintaining communal 
harmony " with the Bahujan Samaj Hindus and others;

02 )  Similarly those who fooled the top heirarchy of the Catholic Church viz 
the then  Archbishop of Goa & Daman His Grace, Dr Raul Niclau Gonsalves  to 
accept KONKANI "ONLY" in DEVANAGARI SCRIPT, in the 125 diocesan run schools  
should similarly stand up and speak out.

03) Finally  those who misused the  donations sent to the now defunct "Konkani 
Porjecho Avaz" in 1986 for their own "personal interests" should also speak out
now that the cat is out of the bag.

It would also be advisable to all those who condemn ---the demand for official 
language status to Konkani in Roman script, ---- that they should instead of
straying away from the main issue ---channelise their energies ----in getting 
the KONKANI "ONLY" IN DEVANAGARI SCRIPT to respect the verdict of the people
of Goa as expressed online and in the local and national media ---for equal 
treatment to both scripts DEVANAGARI AND ROMAN and support the same.

It is also clarified here once again that contrary to the common belieg,  that 
there  should be no iota of doubt that every GOAN  Hindu Bahujan Samaj (non
Brahmin) ACCEPTS KONKANI AS THEIR MOTHER TONGUE be it in Pernem or Canacona 
(this MAY  not include those who migrated to Goa from the State of Maharashtra 
and adopted Goan surnames linked to villages )  BUT FOR WRTITING, RELIGIOUS 
AND CULTURAL PURPOSES use MARATHI and there is nothing wrong in this.

There is a general resentment that for too long the Cristao Goenkars  allowed 
their shoulders to be used by some Hindu Brahmins to fire their guns in the 
same manner that they would pour hot oil in the ears of Hindu Bahujan Samaj 
not to hear good things or burn their books to deprive them of knowledge 
thereby their economic empowerment--- this time let it be the other
way round and watch the fun.


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