I sincerely hope that those goan catholics who
vehemently protested against the screening of the
movie in Goa and strongly supported Churchill's strong
arm tactics against Inox including threats of physical
violence on this forum as well as elsewhere would not
grudge the same freedom to the bajrang dal and shiv
sena and show solidarity with them rather then
castigate them as fascists and communal.
They should do some introspection and ask themselves
as honestly as they could, what their reaction would
have been if  a RSS leader had collected a hindu mob
at the Mahalkshmi temple and issued threats against
INOX for screening a particular movie.
I am glad that many of these otherwise progressive and
 secular  souls have now realised how important it is
to protect the faith and intimidate others with
threats of violence.
Floriano Lobo of Goa Suraj deserves to be appreciated
for his clear and consistent stand on the issue
without regards to any"vote bank" 

- vivek

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