No Return To Inquisition

Brown isn't exactly Nabokov. Yet, faith must trust its own resilience.


The spectacle on TV and in print, over the last few days, of protesters 
calling for a ban on the film The Da Vinci Code harks back to the days of the 
Black List and the horrors of the Inquisition. It is demeaning to the spirit 
of a religion which has withstood centuries of questioning, doubt and creative 

For religious organisations to call on a secular state to step in to assuage 
their sensitivities reflects the fact that freedom of expression is falling 
prey to populist sentiments. Indeed, there are already headlines about the 
state pandering to minorities.

And yet, larger, more serious issues affecting minorities, religious or 
otherwise, are constantly swept aside. 

The outcry against the film is counter-productive. The protesters are falling 
into the trap so carefully laid by its makers: excessive publicity to generate 
maximum profit. The book and the film are sad examples of the current tendency 
among publishers and media managers to sell products that are sensational, and 
with more than a touch of scandal and prurience, especially when the victims 
are objects of veneration and respect.

Truth is the first casualty of such propaganda. And by truth I mean two 
things: one, the expression of intellectual opinion without malice and without 
an eye on profit, two: a sincere endeavour to analyse a situation, a hero, or 
even a religion, rationally. 

The Da Vinci Code, as book and film, is a tissue of specious arguments based 
on admitted forgeries, and has been unverified even on the basis of so-called 
rumour. It brings into its net great figures of history, divine and human. 
There should have been a disclaimer by the producers, Sony Pictures, right at 
the outset, that the film is a work of fiction, for the benefit of those 
offended—or confused—by its doctoring of history and theology. They should not 
have waited for the censor board to instruct them to carry a disclaimer, as it 
has now done. 

Mature audiences in India will hopefully see the film for what it is—a shoddy 
work of fiction. As for Christians, while our religious sensibilities are 
hurt, our faith is not shaken. Negative scrutiny and disparagement of this 
kind only illumines faith—it does not dent it.

Intolerance, the commodification of culture and the politicisation of religion 
are issues we need to contend with. On that account, governments sometimes 
feel compelled to intervene and ban. But banning only leads to a vicious cycle 
of intolerance. Once unleashed, where does it stop? Who will protect us from 
these so-called protectors?

Great books and great films have been banned in the past and the critics of 
these bans have pointed out the deep humanism and spirituality of the banned 
works. The Last Temptation of Christ (Nikos Kazantzakis); The Power and the 
Glory (Graham Greene) and Pier Pasolini's classic film The Passion According 
to St Matthew explore the sacrifices and tribulations and the triumph of the 
human spirit. Their explorations of the human psyche do not conform to 
orthodoxy. The Da Vinci Code is, of course, in a different category—it is 
merely a potboiler. But even so, a ban is out of place, and I am glad that the 
film is not, finally, being banned. 

The tendency to ban in the interest of communal harmony can lead to illiberal 
decisions. Restrictions, when needed, in the interest of public order should 
not involve censorship. It is time we learn to take a balanced view of these 
situations to preserve that sense of freedom of speech and expression which is 
so vital to the functioning of a democratic society. Also, banning a film or a 
book of dubious merit invests it with an authority that it does not have. Nor 
does it offer any protection to the so-called minority interests.

Let us remind ourselves of what Voltaire said: "Though I may disagree with 
you, I shall defend to death your right to say it. " Freedom of speech and 
expression implies that in democracies, public opinion is mature enough not to 
be swayed or influenced by dubious statements.

We need to also remember, in this context, the founding principles of our 
Republic and the faith of those who wrote the Constitution in the maturity of 
the Indian people. It was this faith that prompted Jawaharlal Nehru to 
overrule the ban proposed on Nabokov's Lolita. By no stretch of imagination 
can Dan Brown be equated with Nabokov. All the more reason, therefore, to 
allow the film to sink with the weight of its falsifications and its voyeurism 
into the obscurity it deserves. 

(The writer is the author of the critically acclaimed Goa: A Daughter's Story, 
and a practising Roman Catholic.)

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