* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
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Through GoaNet I have read with interest, anger and as well as
humiliation, the sad reality on how our shrewd politicians manipulate
even critically important issues to serve their own selfish interests.

In the South we have the champions of the downtrodden - Alemao (with a
BJP sidekick) striving hard to convince Goans that Dabolim is the way to
go. And, in the North we have the little crook with big plans - Khalap
(and his BJP cronies) arrogantly proclaiming that Mopa is the future of

Either our politicians don't learn from past misadventures or Goans are
too susegad to need a wake-up call once in a while.  Or else, how a tiny
and supposedly peaceful state like our sobit/sundor Goem have so many
potentially fatal agitations (Konkani vs Marathi, KRC, MetaStrips etc.)?

Growing up in my beautiful Goa has taught me many wise lessons.  I have
watched in amazement the supposedly genuine Marathi sympathizers proudly
setting the stage ablaze with antagonistic speeches to wild cheers from
paid actors amongst the gullible crowd only to walk down the dais and
converse in amchi maim bhas-Konkani. Yes, it sounds like a fairy-tale
but sadly it's all true - I've seen this happen in real life.

During KRC agitation, we heard repeated speeches from our wise leaders
that KRC will corrupt innocent Goa by bringing in the bad guys from
across the state.  Drive to the airport (save-Dabolim of course) thru
the fancy new HighWay (indeed it's quite high and so far it has already
lead a few unfortunate souls "upstairs").  And, what do you see? From
the intersection at Verna Electronic City (what is electronic about a
Bakery and Auto Body Building industry) you enjoy the peaceful Goan
hillside until you come to the infamous MetaStrip Plant (hello Anti-MS
lobby - how are you); then you relish the cool blue waters of the
Arabian Sea; From here, the highway had to be diverted to avoid
uprooting the illegal migrants.  While Goenkars shell out a fortune
bribing the various pimps for a license to construct a house on a
legally purchased plot our fellow neighbours (from neighbouring states)
build houses for self-use and more to rent-out, without any need for
permits, licenses etc.  And, they can also grab as much (prime) land as
they fancy for absolutely NOTHING (uut Goenkara).  You see, they
outnumber by a loud margin the original (susegad) population of Sancoale
and Dabolim put together.  Naturally, they are like a Million Dollar
Fixed Deposit at election time as compared to the poor man's Postal
Saving Scheme (real Goenkars).

These settlers were there long before KRC happened and they keep coming
by KSRTC busses not KRC trains.  I would think this to be the case with
population of other migrant camps as well.  So, what did the grand anti
KRC campaign achieve?  Instead, we lost a golden opportunity to use the
campaign power to bargain that all KRC Station stalls/counters and
station-staff be allotted to SOS (sons-of-soil).

Similarly, in spite of grand proclamations by the anti-MetaStrip
campaigners, the plant is successfully running.  Thanks to the infamous
campaign, MetaStrips does not employ people from neighbouring villages.
So while the number of our unemployed youth continue to grow, MetaStrips
keep on adding outside workforce to support its expanding operations -
how about that Goenkara?

As if these great Goan humiliation were not enough, our wise leaders
have embarked on new Save-Dabolim-Drop-Mopa (SDDM) struggle - isn't it
fascinating?  Added to the grand tamasha of open-air cleansing of Alemao
vs Faleiro vs Khalap dirty laundry, Kurtarkars have opened another Front
(wonder where the Back is?).  Though I mean well for these do-good
Samaritans, I can't understand what a small-time, unknown (non
politicized) outfit expects to achieve when it publicly itself say the
grandfathers of Great Goan Misadventures would fail?  By the way he
amche generous advogad bhav also confess not to accept financial aid
from any lobby - how exciting.

Now let's face it: if most of the pax will be tourists - there is
nothing to worry as all luggage/on-ward journeys etc. will be taken care
of by their hoteliers. Similarly, conveniences of our reverenced
politicians/government officials will be looked after by government
machinery (at the poor tax payers expense - ha, ha). This leaves only
us, the helpless expat Goans to suffer the exorbitant taxi-fares on our
return (with tons of baggage) to our beloved homeland after a tiring
journey and hard-earned vacation. Thus, it would seem that if anyone
ought to be worried about the SDDM than it should be us the Goan Expats?
Then, how come we are not talking (please give it a thought and have
your say).

An affected Goenkar - AJP

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