The threat to Goan Identity was never felt to the
extent that it is being felt today. At last count an 
alarming 33% of the population of Goa constitutes the
migrants or better known as "bhaile" threatening the
demographic composition of this beautiful State. To
add to this cancerous malaise  Goan disunity caused by
the invisible indelible "Great Indian Caste divide"
the traditional Goan "Bhatcar" - "Bhageli"(partner) or
the "Batcar-Mundcar" syndrome and the last potion
strains of polarisation on communal lines which
threatens the foundataions of "Goan tolerance"
unwitnessed in the rest of the country does not bode
well for "NiZ Goemcars" if Goans do not shed their
differences -- at least in public.

With this in mind Margao in Salcete South Goa, the
bastion of Goa's political cultural and commercial
centre witnessed today evening at 1645 6th May 2006, 
at a well attended function at the Gomant Vidya
Niketan the  launching of "Goenkarachem Daiz " a trust
 -- Daiz samballunk ani Goenkarponn rakhunk
--"Goenkarponn ani amchem girest daiz samballpak
ompil'li sonstha"  -- to protect preserve and promote
the unique Goan culture and its identity.

And who among Goans could have visualised this need
better.  It took Mr Antonio Piedade da Moraes, a
dimunitive, lean bespectacled, casual dressed,
publicity shy "Konkani mogi" whose passion for Konkani
led him to possess a treasure trove of literary works
books numbering well over 2000 books of his
collection.  He felt it necessary  to make them
available for posterity to Generation Next to help
preserve and promote our culture our identity and that
of Konkani language the soul of Goan culture. To
satiate his passion it was left to Mr Alfino Fernandes
to support the mission of Mr Morais by providing a
spacious premise at MIDAS TOUCH Apartments bang
opposite the District Court of Margao.  Following this
other furniture and fixtures were liberally donated
and the trust Goenkaranchem daiz took shape in 2005.

The inaugural launch began belatedly with an excellent
presentation by Dr Nandakumar Kamat an
environmentalist now with the University of Goa on
GOALOGY Goem Vidheaxastr.  It shows the Goa in its
right perspective right from early invasion of Homo
sapiens to the pre colonial era the colonial era and
the post colonial era. Truly Goans would have loved to
revisit his presentation. It was a tremendous hardwork
put in true and just put forth before the public in a
nut shell ..  What with satellite imagery from google
earth and pictures notes all rolled in . But the power
point presentation though announced by him to be for
just twenty five minutes extended well beyond an
University lecture ( he is familiar with ) and needed
the moderator Dr Savia Veigas, an activist of Musuem
Heritage a member of the Indias first State Knowledge
Commission, who has returned to Goa  after 25 years a
native of Carmona Salcete Goa, to abruptly put an end
to his unending discourse which hurt the ego of Dr
Kamat and his usual arrogance was let loose on the
organisors. The audience of course did not take kindly
to his longish discourse, and cheered Dr Veigas.  dr
Veigas agreed with most of the presentation made by Dr
Kamat but she felt that what is needed is that
Identity culture should move into the villages.  She
herself had risen from humble beginnings having been a
child of a sea-farer and learnt under the candle
light. In her village the influence of tourism has
alienated the villager. The village child was at the
cross roads neither good in English nor his own mother
tongue Konkani.   She was profusely applauded for
these observations.  Just two questions did not merit
much attention.

Later Miguel Cotta of "Goencho Naad" fame and his
family gave an unique musical traditional songs and
mando  treat to the audience.  This was followed by a
musical group led by Arch. Carlos da Veiga and a final
song by Dr Francisco Colaco Cardiologist and family --
songs to the tunes of late Chris Perry.

Mr Ramnath Shirodkar gave a solo musical rendtion in
Konkani using the mouth organ. 

But the audience went into a musical frenzy tapping
their feet clapping hands to strums and beat of songs
by famed tiatrist composer singer of yester years, the
80 year old (9/9/1925) Mr Remedios Januario Colaco
lovingly known as Remmie Colaco from the Novas
Conquistas Sanvordem Goa; and another song  from Dr
Gopal V Naik widely known as Dr G V NAIK. 
Incidentally both Dr G V Naik and Mr Remmie are age
old friends and know share a Doctor patient
relationship.  Their relics relate to a word of
caution to Goans to unite to protect out Goan

Earlier Mr Edwin Pinto read the aims and objectives of
Goenkaranchem Daiz ( membership Founder Member
Rs.5000/- and Life Member Rs 1000/- forms were
available at the venue. 

Dr Zahir Qazi an ex student of Goa Medical College in
the early eighties a native of Ponda in Goa cherished
his love for Goa and things Goan by narrating several
incidents which embodies the Goan identity. He heads
the "AMI GOEMCAR" an NGO in Mumbai which recently
celebrated the Goa Liberation Day by inviting eminent
Goans to inculcate love and belongingness to Gen Next

Dr Maria Aurora Couto a native of Margao and now
settled in Aldona (her spouse Dr Albano Couto hails
from Aldona) a widely travelled Goan though not quite
comfortable with Konkani having lived most of her life
outside Goa in India and abroad.  She felt that there
need not be alarm about the influx but we need to sit
up and look at the changes taking place.  Goan
identity is not defined it is just something cannot be
defined and yet there are others who can feel the Goan
identity as unique.  She hoped the Daiz would stand up
to the expectation of its laudable objectives.

Dr Francisco Colaco spoke of the meet some time ago at
Fatorda where a group of eminent personalities got
into a brain storming session with 50 members
attending it ended on a positive note. Hence the
function today.

Dr Rajendra Hegde also the spirit behind the Daiz
helped with vital inputs in Konkani.

Others that attended the function were Dr Eurico da
Silva, Mr Uday L Bhembre, Mr Damodar Mauzo, Mr
Gurunath Kelekar, Mr Shivdas N (Naik) Dr & Ms Arvind
Bhatikar, Mr Prajal Sakhardande several priests nuns

The function started late by nearly 35 minutes
Dr Nandakumar's arrogance and outburst was not taken
to kindly by the audience;
One of the audience members insisted that the
Moderator Dr Savia Veigas speak in Konkani which she
did in fact much to the applause of the audience
Snacks cold drinks and coffee was offered 
A book in Konkani Devanagari script was release
On public demand Mr Morais  reluctantly agreed to come
on stage at the fag end.  He prefers never to hog the
Messages from the Governor, were read out and others
from the CM Minister for Education Mr Luizinho Faleiro
Minister for Culture Mr Digamber Kamat and others
recieved but could not be read
Some funds were provided to the GD by the Minister of
Invitation cards were printed in Konkani Devanagari
and Roman script-- but some Only Devanagari script
protogonists made only a symbolic presence



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