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News -- Goa: Hindu Organizations Demand Action against Maqbool Fida Hussain

Feb 23, 2006 - In Dubai

'The CARNIVAL' - A Goan Cultural Fest

from Daijiworld's special correspondent in Goa

Panaji, Jan  4: Hindu organizations have sought action against
renowned painter M F Hussain terming him anti-Hindu, objecting to his
paintings depicting Hindu deities in nude and compromising position.

"By selling and exhibiting blasphemous pictures of Hindu deities shown
in the nude in various compromising positions, Hussain has hurt the
Hindu sentiments,'' says Dr Nandini Samant, coordinator, Hindu
Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), who is also associated with Sanatan

She said that HJS demands that Hussain should be arrested and legal
action should be taken against him for having hurt the religious
sentiments of all the Hindus at large.

HJS's demand is a part of nationwide campaign initiated against the
painter for his paintings, which according to Dr Samant, he started
painting since 1974 and is still continuing.

Showing Hussain's book, aptly named 'Anti-Hindu' written by Prafull
Goradia and K R Panda, which has information regarding Hussain which
contains blasphemous pictures of Hindu deities, Dr Samant said that
these paintings denegrates Hindu deities.

As a part of international campaign, Germany-based Law and Justice
Foundation is thinking in terms of filing suit against Hussain. This,
according to Dr Samant, will be another suit as four petititions filed
by private parties in Delhi high court were rejected as there was no
government approval for the prosecution.

The Hindu organizations have also filed police complaints against
Hussain. "As many as 106 complaints are filed in Maharashtra and Goa
and 21 in Karnataka,'' informed Dr Samant.

Dr Samant said that these paintings are published on the web on a
website artswithoutborders.com. ``Publishing of these paintings should
be banned immediately as it is a crime,'' she said.

The Hindu organizations have also sought withdrawal of Padma Shri
title from Hussain, who has hurt sentiments of 80 per cent of India's

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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