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Indian girl abortion claims are challenged
By Peter Foster, in New Delhi
(Filed: 11/01/2006)

A claim that 10 million girl babies have been aborted in India over
the last 20 years has been called into question by the country's
leading doctors' organisation.

The figure, which was published in The Lancet, was challenged
yesterday by the Indian Medical Association (IMA), which said that it
was misleading and failed to take into account restrictions imposed by
the courts in 2001.

The statistic was based on a national survey of 1.1 million households
done in 1998 by researchers in India and Canada. "This [the selective
abortion of girls] is not happening for the past four or five years
after strict laws were put in place," said Dr Narendra Saini of the
IMA, which represents about 178,000 doctors.

He added that the use of ultrasound scanning equipment to check for
girls had waned since India's Supreme Court outlawed the practice in

But activists are convinced that the abortion of female foetuses
remains widespread.

Ranjana Kumari, of India's Centre for Social Research, said that no
one had ever been convicted for sex-selective abortion and that this
showed how lax the system was. "There is connivance between the
doctors and the parents who don't want girl children," he said. "The
government has to come forward on a war footing to put an end to this

Traditionally, boys are preferred because of the practice of dowries
which, particularly among the 250 million Indians living in extreme
poverty, can cause crippling debt.

But the study found that a "girl deficit" was more common among the
families of educated rather than uneducated women, suggesting that
those with access to modern medicine were using it to determine the
sex of their foetus and selectively abort.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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