The former Mumbai Marine Lines police constable Sunil
More's conviction within a year of his raping a young
girl goes to show that the Indian Judicial system can

Though Judge K.U. Chandiwal was not presiding over a
fast track court, he ensured that the trial was
meticulously and speedily completed in less than six

Trials in serious crimes like rape, dacoity and murder
should be expedited like the Sunil More case so that
the ends of justice are speedily met. It is always
advantageous to have trials expedited while evidence
is fresh. 

The Maharashtra Government had paid Rs three lakhs by
way of compensation to the 17 year old victim raped by
Sunil More.Will the 12 year sentence imposed on the
convicted constable be a deterrent to the perpetrators
of such crimes? Will it be enough to restore the
public faith in the law enforcement authority whose
soldier Sunil More let the police and public down by
committing rape while in uniform and within the
precincts of a police outpost.  

Aires Rodrigues

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