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Here below is a MEMORANDUM featured on the internet by
Fr. Jaime Couto, M.S., B.Ed,.  It appears as a
follow-up of a new collective "Goan Catholics for
Devanagri" who recently paid their tributes to Mons.
Sebastiao Rodolfo Dalgado,  a diocesan priest
(belonging to the Cristao Bamonn caste) on the
occasion of his 150th Birth Anniversary, at a 
function on Dec.20, 2005, at the Menezes Braganza
Hall, Panjim, apparently to  counter the growing
worldwide support for UNITY IN LANGUAGE (Konkani)
DIVERSITY in SCRIPT and the imminent recognition
shortly of Konkani in Roman script besides the present
Devanagiri by an amendment to the Official Language
Act 1987 in the forthcoming Assembly session in
January 2006.

This is all the more certain, now that Government of
Karnataka has accepted Konkani in Kannada script and a
notification will follow soon before the next academic

This writer desires to clarify on a few statements in
the MEMORANDUM to set the record right, without malice
to the views of Fr. Couto ---as he has every right to
hold to his personal views.
Re:  Konkani in Roman Script is being projected as the
language of the Goan Catholics.
Ans: Surely no Goan in his right senses will deny this
although there are many Hindus who too subscribe to
both Devanagari and Roman.
Re:  The contenders for the Official Status for
Marathi are overjoyed for the present agitation will
surely help them achieve their goal! 
Ans: This is a myth floated by a section of the Hindu
Saraswat Brahmins, during the language agitation, to
divide the Catholics and the Hindu Bahujan Samaj. It
is well settled that Konkani and Marathi are two
distinct languages and there is no dispute on this
count.  The Hindu Bahujan Samaj in Goa from as far as
Pernem to Canacona ACCEPT  Konkani as their mother
tongue (excluding perhaps those from Maharastra who
have settled in Goa)but they wanted the recognition of
Marathi, because they did not want to accept the
sanskritised devanagari script of which the Saraswat
Hindu Brahmins were familiar with and have a monopoly.
 Had the Cristaos familiar with the Roman script stood
by their script them and not fallen into the trap of a
section of the  Hindu Brahmin community by
compromising on script i,e accepting Devanagari much
of the problems faced by the Cristaos would not be
there.  Remember today it is only the Diocesan schools
that force the Cristaos to teach their children in
Devanagiri because of the likes of Couto that are at
the helm of policy making for the Church. The sooner
the Catholic priests like Fr Couto, remove this fear
of Marathi protogonists from their minds, they will
understand the ground reality.  Fr Couto would do well
to accompany this writer and get a clarification on
this from  Mr Ramakant Khalap,  and believe me  Mr
Ramakant Khalap himself will prepare the  Official
language (amendment) Act to include Konkani in Roman
script as he had always advocated even during the
language agitation (ask Mr Tomazinho Cardozo) but the
priests like Fr Couto were misled by the likes of Uday
L Bhembre (Adv) to achieve their "Hindu Saraswat
Brahmins"  agenda of 1939 conceptualised by Adv
Manjunath at Karwar and further "formalised"
clandestinely (even without the knowledge of Fr Jaime
Couto)  by Mr Bhembre and his lobby through the
Academic Council for Konkani of the Sahitya Academy
New Delhi on  the 21st November, 1981,.
Re: The promoters of this movement also demand that
the Schools - which have been teaching Konkani in
Devanagri Script for 30 years, amounting to a
generation -should switch over to Konkani in Roman
Ans: This is untrue and a clear misunderstanding ---
let it be clarified again the votaries of UNITY IN
(Devanagari/Roman) want both Devanagari and Roman
script to move hand in hand. 
Let the Konkani language taught in primary schools
continue to have classes both for Devanagari and also
in Roman.  But if the Devanagari classes close  for
want of minimum number of students then Fr Couto
should not blame the Catholics for this unfortunate
dilema of the votaries of ONLY ONE LANGUAGE ONE
Re: History shows us that the Catholics, other than
the elite, clung to Konkani, that too mostly the
spoken one, for want of other options.
Ans: True it was the "Cristao Bamonns" and this
includes the priests belonging to the "Bamonn" caste 
who paid scant regard for Konkani --- the language
regarded as the language of the servants -- "lingua de
serventes" . Remember the Church preaches a casteless
society but practices casteism clandestinely till
date.  Key decision making posts are held by the
Bamonn priests  Confrariars, celebration of feasts is
still caste based. Chardos became priests much later
somewhere after the 1930s, and Shudras even later than
that -- mainly because many youth are reluctant to
join priesthood -- apparently because the top
corridors of power in the Church is  still dictated by
"Bammon"  priests. The acceptance of Konkani in
Devanagari sidelining Roman script was one such bad
decision instead of supporting both. It is sadly this
same section of the people who are now advocating the
use of Konkani only in Devanagari script and who
constitute the meat of the newly founded "Goan
Catholics for Devanagri" and hence they constitute a
MINISCULE following as seen for the meet on 20th
December, 2005.   Therefore it is clear that the
masses support Konkani in the Roman script while not
having any hatred if others desire to use Devanagari
script -- but ONLY DEVANAGARI -- never.
Re:  Last but not least is the threat of Marathi being
an Official Language of Goa. That will be the end of
the Goan Identity.  
Ans: The real threat to GOAN IDENTITY comes from
Konkani being promoted only in Devanagari script. Fr
Couto is perhaps unaware that when the Government of
Goa advertises jobs for where knowledge of Konkani is
compulsory --- it means only Konkani in Devanagari ---
so what happens to the Goan knowing Konkani in Roman
script? does this not deprive such Goans the job? 
Does Fr Couto know that Kavi Sammelans, Sangeet
Sammelans, Bhajans Kirtans in temples get budgeted
funds from the Department of Culture and Department of
Official languages viz Goa Konkani Academy and Goa
Marathi Academy only because this are the official
languages recognised under the official language Act
in devanagari script, while for the Mandos, Dekhnis 
Goa Mando Festival etc or for the Church choir or the
Brass Bands which supplement our religious services
the Goa Government cannot sanction any funds either
for the instruments or to train Cristao children for
hymns and choir groups only because these are not in
Konkani devanagari script which is recognised as the
official language script.  Does Fr Couto suggest that
the entire liturgical activities in Goa should now
switch over to Konkani in Devanagri script viz
translating the Bible and other hymns sung in Church
in Devanagari script?
                           A MEMORANDUM
by Fr. Jaime Couto, M.S., B.Ed 
There has recently been a hue and cry in the allegedly
Goan Catholic Community in favour of Roman Script for
Konkani. Konkani in Roman Script is being projected as
the language of the Goan Catholics and the move is to
seek its recognition as such under the 'minority
rights' enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
Consequently a demand is apparently being concocted
an amendment in the State Official Language Act of Goa
that contemplates only the Konkani in Devanagri
Script. The amended Act should comprise both Konkani
in Devanagri Script and Konkani in Roman Script for
the sake of the Minority. Rajan Narayan had already
said, about 20 months ago ("Goan Observer", 
Feb.21-27, 2004) that the then BJP/RSS Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar "had virtually instigated the Romi
Konkaniwadis to demand that the Konkani in Roman
Script should also be recognised as the official
language". We know very well Parriker's love for
Konkani and for the Catholics! The contenders for the
Official Status for Marathi are overjoyed for the
present agitation will 
surely help them achieve their goal! The promoters
also demand that the Schools - which have been
teaching Konkani in Devanagri Script for 30 years,
amounting to a generation -should switch over to
Konkani in Roman Script.

1.Most of the 'reasons' brought forth are rather
complaints or 
grievances of a presumably affected few that can be
well redressed with an amicable dialogue. They do not
justify at all the intended upheaval in the social,
political and educational fields likely to damage the
unique harmonious and secular 
fabric of the Goan society at large. And that too at
this stage where all the educated people of 50 years
and below are well conversant with the Devanagri.

2.The slogan "One Script, One Language, One
Literature" of Akhil 
Bharoti Konknni Porishod, right from its birth in
1939,in Karwar, is blown out of proportion to make the
gullible majority of Catholics take it as a threat to
their culture. It does not actually mean more than the
Catholic motto "One Flock and One Shepherd". It does
not spell in the least a blow of death 
on the other scripts and an imposition whatsoever of
Devanagri instead. At its widest, it is a `wishful
thinking' or an ideal goal unanimously agreed upon by
all the Konkanis in the session in Karwar in 1939.

3.Nothing is further from the truth than to say that
Konkani was never written before the arrival of the
Portuguese. Historical books and documents such as
"Oriente Conquistado" and the letters of the
Missionaries of that time amply indicate the existence
of people who knew to read and write in the local
language. Dr. Pratap Naik's contention is that Marathi
was written to 
some extent and Konkani had been only a spoken idiom.
He further says that it was the Missionaries that gave
it a Script. This trend may lead to a dangerous
implication that Konkani is just a dialect of Marathi.
It may jeopardize all the achievements of our `giants'
of the past and present, like Dr.Gerson da 
Cunha, Eduardo Bruno de Sousa, Mons Dalgado, Shennoy
Goybab, Dr. 
Mariano Saldanha, Bakibab Borkar, Dr Manoharai
Sardessai, Ravindra Kellekar, Purushotam Mallaia,
Felicio Cardoso, Dr. Olivinho Gomes, Adv Uday Bhembre
- to name only a few - in proving that Konkani is an
Independent Indian 
Literary Language rather older than Marathi itself
and, being a descendant from Sanskrit, its rightful
script is Devanagari. Fr. Stephens and Fr. Maffei
could be quoted in favour of the latter assertion.

4.History shows us that the Catholics, other than the
elite, clung to Konkani, that too mostly the spoken
one, for want of other options. It was not a
"sacrifice" as such! Whereas Hindus were given the
advantage of having their education in Marathi, the
mavxi bhas, a sister of their mother-tongue, even at 
the Lyceum level. They had thus the opportunity of
enjoying and 
interacting with the rich literature of the
neighbouring regions. Hence the deep multi-centennial
influence of Marathi in their social, cultural and
religious life. This explains their relative
reluctance till today to change their mindset and the
painstaking struggle Shennoi Goybab had to endure to
win over his confreres to the cause of Konkani.
Shedding their centuries old Marathi 
tradition amounted to shedding off their own skin, as
Ravindra Kellekar puts it, for the sake of Unity and
Identity of Goans.

5.Dr. Pratap Naik calls "Murkh"(Stupid) the promoters
of Devanagri Script. Dr. Mathew Almeida, on the other
hand, casts aspersions on the slow process of
transition of Hindus from Marathi to Konkani. Both
being born and bred in Karnataka and consequently not
fully aware of the peculiar historical 
circumstances that shaped the ethos of Goans, should
have been more prudent in their statements. One gets
the impression that they are bent on creating a rift
between the two communities.
6.Familiarity with the Devanagri will definitely throw
open a window to appreciate the Indian languages, such
as Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi and others of the same
clan. It will help the Goan Catholics to enter
emotionally and socially into the main Indian stream.
Or do we intend remaining a ghetto forever? Are the
Goans going to be a divided society of "hindu dexi
somaz" and "kristi pordexi somaz", as Fr. Moreno says?
Inter-religious dialogues tend to be a farce!
7.Tremendous has been the development in the field of
Literature in Devanagri. We have plenty of books of
poems, essays, dramas, novels of international
standards, many of which already translated into
Indian and European languages. We have at least four
good Konkani Dictionaries and a magnificent Konkani
Encyclopedia divided into four huge volumes. It may
another 50-60 years to create such a wealth in the
Roman Script.

8.Last but not least is the threat of Marathi being an
Language of Goa. That will be the end of the Goan

Fr. Jaime Couto, M.S., B.Ed
[Professor of Konkani Language in Goa seminaries]

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