15 March 2006: The Daily Mail (UK). From Christine Bennett (Excerpts). Like Alex Cooperwhite, who went to Goa for an operation, I've just returned from Goa where I had a back operation ... The care, which I received, was excellent ... The whole 21 days cost me £1,400. For that I received treatment and care which is now sadly lacking in England. For full text and also the Alex Cooperwhite experience check the end section of the GVUK supplement after click here. http://goanvoice.org.uk/supplement/HealthTourism.htm

Since then:
The Daily Mail has an article and photograph of Christine Bennett in the issue of 21 March 2006 - see http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/showlink.aspx?bookmarkid=0GUPBTBFDP65

The Press Association has syndicated Christine Bennett's Goa experience and expect it to be featured in newspapers across the world. It has already appeared in Evening Standard (London), Sutton Coldfield Observer and Le Matin (Switzerland).

The publicity will be a considerable boost to medical tourism in Goa.

Eddie Fernandes

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