15th May, 2006.

Various organisations and individuals demanded the withdrawal of the Government’s proposal to sell beer and wine outside bars and liquor outlets. Bailancho Saad called the meeting at T. B. Cunha Hall to protest the promotion of alcohol by the Government.

The meeting decided to make a representation to the Government demanding

1.Withdrawal of the proposal by the Government to sell beer and wine outside bars and liquor outlets

2.Withdrawal of the proposal to reduce taxes on alcohol.

3.Stop Government promotion of alcohol like Wine Escapade

4.Increase budgetary allocation to start facilities for detoxification centres, help centres for women and children of alcoholics

5.Strict implementation of excise laws.

It was decided to meet after fifteen days to take stock of the situation and decide the future course of action.

Ms Sabina Martins gave the background of women’s struggle against alcohol in Goa.In Tivrenm,Marcel thare was a long drawn struggle by women to stop the opening of bar In Bicholim the women got together to get the bar timings implemented as per the excise act. In Ponda similarly women took up the issue of illegal sale of alcohol in houses.

Women have impressed on the Panchayat members not to isssue NOC to more bars so much so that it was agreed that if the majority of the women did not want liquor outlets no permission would be given. Many schools have also objected to bars in its vicinity

Ms Martins stated all these struggles will go in vain if the Government goes ahead and promotes alcohol.

Ms Lalan Kerkar of Peaceful society stated that addiction in children and youth will increase and the future of young girls and brides are at stake.

Mr Govekar stated that when he lived in Siolim there were 126 barsand 3 teashops.The morning walkers could get hold of a pint at five in the morning.

Ms Savitri Chari from Shri Lailari Self Help Group stated that in their village of Shirgao there are no bars.However the men go to Assnoda to drink and by the time they reach the village they become sober.

Adv Annusiya Naik of Kripa foundation stated that there should be mass awareness and women should come out in large numbers to oppose the policy.

Mr Ashpak Shaikh from Life line stated that there is a disparity in the empowerment of women in the towns and villages and hence they are not in a position to tell the males not to drink.Hence it is the responsibility of the government to enact policies that will reduce drinking.

Mr Deepak Bhandargee who works among the migrants in Chimbel stated that in that area there are many aloholics who do not work.The wives who go out to work are expected to bring a quarter of alcohol everyday while returning otherwise they are beaten and sometimes not allowed in the house.

Ms Afrose Shaikh of Bailancho Saad stated that in her village in Bicholim , there are 18 bars and several young men have died due to alcohol related sickness.As a result there is a large number of widows who live in destitution. Of late they got employment in a cashew-peeling factory hence they are surviving.

Mr Sunil R Sonsurkar of Sai Life care stated that in rural areas like Usgao women are very vulnerable .No man will listen tthem he stated hence it is important that the men are made aware .

Ms Bharati Bandodkar of Peaceful Society stated that the number of accidents due to drunken driving has increased and now with easy availability of alcohol to young children the situation will worsen.

Mr Victor Mendes of Saad Alashiro stated that there is a direct link between alcohol and AIDS as an alccoholic gets into irresponsible sexual behaviour and all the awareness of precautions goes to the wind.

Mr Sorter Almeida stated that extra tax should be levied to reduce accessibility. There should be a ban on sale of alcohol in school fetes. He stated one should not depend on panchayats as it depends on the person in the chair who keeps changing.

Ms Harsha Raiker of Temps Hamlet Self-Help Group stated that they were opposed to the policy and requested all the self-help groups to take a stand.

Several other issues were raised by participants such as livelihood, import of alcohol, drowning of drunk tourists, liquor served in swimming pools, increased violence against women and children and lack of support systems for them.


For Bailancho Saad

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