Has the  Non Resident Indians --Facilitation Centre,of
Government of Goa  at EDC, House Panaji been disbanded
following the appointment of Mr Eduardo Faleiro, ex
Union Minister and Rajya Sabha member, as the
Commissioner for NRI's, under the Department of Home
Government of Goa?  Well one would think so. 

Following a teletalk  this writer had with the 
Commissioner for NRI's - to congratulate Mr Faleiro on
his  appointment to this office  (a post with a
Cabinet rank ) he stated he was not clear of his job
profile as of now -- but just that he accepted this

Ironically the first public function the Commissioner
will now inaugurate is a Seminar on "Communal Harmony
" organised by the almost defunct  NRI FC, on 18th
March, 2006 with Mr Digamber Kamat Minister for Power
and INC  MLA Margao to preside.

There is no doubt, that the appointment of Mr Faleiro
who has travelled extensively world wide representing
our country at the highest forum and his personal
acumen and expertise would be of immense help to the
NRI's (Goans) given the proper infrastructure and
personnel, besides a clear cut job profile, with due
budgetary support by the Government of Goa.  

Mr Faleiro would do well to come out with "out of the
box" mindset and proposals that will husband the
potential of NRI Goans.  A more friendly and meaning
ful interaction ofcourse with a patient mindset would
be of great help to the NRI's of all stratas. True the
NRI Goans as of now are indeed a divided lot. There
are Goans who serve at the lowest level in menial jobs
upto the top echelons of organisational heirarchy
especially in the Gulf countries and there are others
who are in Canada UK US Germany France Australia
Africa New Zealand etc.

While the former do cannot obtain  citizenships of
those countries like the latter, the aspirations of
the NRI's (Goans) therefore varies.

Nevertheless the NRI's (Goans) could now look upon the
new Commissioner to get their demands redressed now
that this posting is at best a non political posting
where Mr Faleiro does not need to appease or maintain
a vote bank.  His only interests would be tuned
towards Goa and Goans worldwide.

But what is shocking is that though the NRI FC will
eventually have to close shop ---following its
upgradation with an official at Cabinet rank, this
email sent out to Goan NRI's in the Gulf by Chairman
of the NRI FC Mr Chandrakant Keni at almost the end of
the financial year end March 2006 informing of an
impending visit of a three member delegation led by
Herculano Dourado ex MLA and Vice Chairman NRI FC   
has raised eyebrows and has become easily suspect as a
means to squander Government funds and hence needs to
be called off. Kindly read on the agenda.
Dear Friend 
The last Convention organized on 3rd and 4th January
2006 at Kala Academy, Panaji was a success as it was
well appreciated by all the Goans who attended from
various parts of the world. The high level of
organization was also noted by these delegates.
However, it was observed by many that many issues are
discussed at the forum although no follow-up action is
taken. To meet this criticism and to ascertain the
specific problems of Goans spread around the world
specially those in the Gulf, it was decided to send,
to start with, a delegation to Gulf countries to
clearly identify the problems and difficulties faced
by Goans in those countries and look forward for
solutions before the next Convention.

Towards this end we are pleased to inform you that a
three-member delegation led by the Vice-Chairman of
NRI Facilitation Centre Adv.Herculano Dourado, which
is sanctioned by the Government, is proposing to visit
Gulf Countries around the 4th week of March to study
the problems of Goans in those areas first hand.

During our visit in Kuwait which would be from 25th -
28th morning we propose to have a meeting / seminar on
Problems and Aspirations of the Goan Diaspora in
Kuwait / Gulf. What solutions?? We would be highly
obliged if you could assist us in organizing this
meeting by informing all your Goan friends and
colleagues connected with you through the
organizations you represent.

With salutations and warm regards.
Chandrakant Keni,
P. S Email of Shri.Herculano.Dourado
This writer has been inudated with calls from NRI
Goans abroad and via email that the visit is uncalled
for. The reasons they state are many:  a) the NRI FC
has not updated its website after the 2nd Goman Vishwa
Sammelan in January 2005 event although the third one
was held in January 2006 b) the Chairman and others
did pay a visit to the Gulf on the eve of the 2nd
Sammelan but the outcome was nil c) the complaints of
the NRI's have not been addressed as far as revenue
(land) matters, litigations, encroachment of lands
educational, NRI city, air flight fares, medical
engineering college facilities and self employment or
setting up industries with know how provided by NRI
Goans etc etc. d) till date the Budget DOES NOT spell
out in clear terms what the Government incentives for
NRI Goans e) even the INFOTECH city inaugurated at
Dona Paula is not clear or does not provide first
preference in terms of infrastructure or early bird
incentives exclusively for NRI Goans. f)at the last
Gomant Sammelan in January, 2006 Mr Chandrakant Keni
Chairman of NRI FC was pulled up by the NRI Goans for
not responding to emails not updating the website and
no follow up leading to the demand made to the CM and
appointment of Mr Manuel of Moira as their

Under the circumstances the NRI Goan remains convinced
that both the Government of India and the Government
of Goa are merely interested in NRIs 

a) to park their funds in Banks and financial
institutions in Goa (notwithstanding the fly by night
operators that with the connivance of an ill equipped
police force and the legal fraternity duped NRI Goans
and others of hard earned money)

b) to enjoy the hospitality of NRIs Goans  free of
cost or at the cost of the exchequer and get a paid
visit to overseas.  

Therefore the visit of the three member delegation is
NOT  welcome by the NRI Goans also because  the agenda
is unclear. There is no official intimation as to who
are the other officials and the brief they carry.
Being Lent season and examination round the corner in
Gulf countries it would be difficult to entertain the
team and that normally such visits are best organised
if planned in advance the agenda clear the notice
circulated to all the organisations abroad. The visits
cost approximately Rs 40,000 and above and it is
difficult for Associations to arrange such funds
without being clear on the purpose of the visit.

Therefore it is clear that the delegation will not be
entertained by anyone while they land there and none
would be willing to foot the bill unless the visit is
intended as a PERSONAL VISIT.

It is now left to the Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane or the new Commissioner for NRI Goans to
spell out in clear terms the agenda for NRI Goans and
all this needs to be reflected in the current Budget
proposals in the ensuing Goa Legislative Assembly
session beginning on 20th March, 2006.  The NRI Goans
are also keen that justice should be done with Konkani
and due budgetary grants  not dole for the promotion
of Konkani in Roman script alongwith the Devanagari


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