With the stature and quality of our legislators and
parliamentarians declining by the day and the
executive succumbing to the pressures of the
politicians, the public has to rely on the judiciary
to see to it that justice prevails in terms of the
provisions of our Constitution.

The salaries, perks and benefits of the judicial
officers have to improve to attract the right people
to the sacred job of dispensation of justice.

The Jessica Lal and other cases have reinforced the
need of urgent changes to the criminal procedures and
Indian penal codes.

The trial of cases relating to serious offences like
murder, dacoity, molestation and rape have to be
attended on a fast track basis. 

No stone should be left unturned for the speedy
disposal of cases. Shorter vacations, longer working
hours and night courts could all help clear the
backlog and dust that has settled over the files
awaiting their turn at the temples of justice across
the country.

There is need to effect organisational and functional
changes in our courts with meticulous preparation and
remarkable devotion by the staff to meet the challenge
of the need of speedy disposal of cases. An initial
assessment, supplemented by a series of internal
measures could improve the effectiveness of working

There is a need to think long and hard about the
manner in which the courts work in order to make them
more efficient and counteract the expanding average
length of proceedings.

There is a need of putting in place a more rigourous
system for managing the courts judicial work with the
aid of computer tools developed specially for the
purpose.  There is obviously a need to speed up the
procedures and adopt a much stricter approach in
granting adjournments.

Ways would have to be evolved to check frivolous
litigations.  Perhaps a party that is unsuccessful
must in principle bear in addition to his own
cost, those of the opposing party.

The backlog of pending cases as on July 2005 in our
clogged courts across the country was 2,86,811,33. The
pile up is just getting worse.   

Aires Rodrigues

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