Following a tele-talk this evening with Ward No:XIV
Margao Municipal Councillor Ms Auda Viegas an office
bearer of the United Goans Democratic Party who
contested unsuccessfully  the last Lok Sabha election
she confirmed to this writer that it was she who had
raised the issue of official recognition for  Konkani
in Roman script at the UGDP meeting.

However as this matter was not included in the agenda,
a full fledged discussions has been kept for the next

It is also of interest to note that Dr Wilfred Anthony
De Souza's NCP Party has through it office bearer Mr
Surendra Furtado expressed his party's keeness in
rectifying the injustice done to Konkani in the Roman

These are positive signs and a clear indication that
by and large political parties including the BJP  as
confirmed by this writer in a brief talk with the ex
CM Manohar Parrikar now Leader of the Opposition on 29
August, 2005 who personally confessed his inclination
towards doing justice to Roman script though he needed
to deliberate on the same with the Party MLAs. As a
matter of fact Mr Francis D Souza BJP MLA Mapusa is
wholly for rectification of this gross injustice.

Meanwhile some legal brains are examining the proposed
private members draft  Bill for the amendment to the
Goa Daman and Diu Official Language Act 1987.  This
draft has been necessitated as the Indian National
Congress Party and its "Cristao MLAs" and others who
depend on the Catholic vote bank in the Velhas
Conquistas have become prisoners of their conscience
to speak out loud and clear, on this issue though in
private they admit to the injustice by a section of
the Hindu Brahmins.

With many fence sitters among the current crop of
MLA's it is certain that by the winter session of the
Goa Legislative Assembly they will come out openly for
or against, or they will have to be pulled up by the
electorate to either express for or against.

A few MGP ex MLAs who this writer spoke to mainly from
the Bahujan Samaj (non Brahmins) agree that an
injustice was indeed done in 1987 but blame the
Archdiocese of Goa and Daman top heirarchy especially
Dr Raul Niclau Gonsalves for bending head over heals
to the dicatates of a section of the Hindu Brahmins
who infiltrated into the policy making body in the
garb of secularist and impressed upon the Diocese to
force Konkani in Devanagiri in Primary schools
phasewise from 1989-90 at a time when the teachers
were themselves learners of the Devanagiri script
alongwith the children. The only concession was the
"liberal assessment" which ensured that children of
Catholic parents were "declared pass" just to ease the
pressure on them.

With the signature campaign given the green signal by
the Catholic Church there is a clear indication that
the Diocesan schools have planned for a change in
policy decision and will permit Konkani in Roman
script to those interested by the academic year

According to a survey conducted by this writer there
is a ground swell of parents willing to impart Konkani
in Roman script once it gains official language status
alongside Devanagiri script.  They are for it because
this education will be free and the Government can
ensure that teachers are imparted training in Konkani
in Roman script for the primary schools.  

With nearly 125 schools and each school having a
minimum of 20 students per class it is easy to have
2500 students for the next academic year 2006-07.
While the others can opt for Konkani in Devanagiri

Meanwhile this writer has information that a Minister
in the Goa Legislative Assembly who was on a tour
aboard was put into embarrassment when the hosts asked
him to express his stand for or against the Roman
script, which he did but only after he was cornered
for his duplicity.  There is now a fear among MLAs of
being confronted by the electorate in the coming days
as the movement builds up both for "NO TO MOPA" likely
to linked to KONKANI in ROMAN SCRIPT.


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