|    Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|                                                                        |
|                     Watch this space for more details                  |
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Dear Senhor Bernado,

The GOENCHO ULO is a Konkani periodical in the Roman script for the
promotion of the usage of the Konkani language worldwide. The promoters of
GOENCHO ULO [ and I am proud to be one of them] honestly believe that Amchi
Bhas Konkani has the best chances of growth and popularisation of its use
through the Roman script, specially because this script is known world wide
and is adept for Net usage.

The fact that the GOENCHO ULO has figured in the Goanet, GoaWorld, Goacom
and Fullerlife websites, files, mail lists and archives is proof enough of
its international demand. The hard copies, in the simple to read and
understand Konkani, are in great demand in Goa. We had sent a few copies to
Kuwait, Mumbai and Mangalore. There is a demand for regular supply. Finance
and marketing of advertisement space is our limitation at present. Many
hands make light work. The support base is increasing with every issue.
Perhaps, we can one day reach the 45,000 copies a week level of Mylapore
Times, a free sheeter based in Chennai [formerly Madras City.]. It all
depends on the stregth of our love for Konkani.

We  at GOENCHO ULO are for Konkani, we are not against Devanagri script. At
present the Goa University's Konkani Encyclopaedia [Mahakosh] is in
Devanagri. I have quite a few entries on things agricultural in the four
volumes thereof. Many neo-votaries of Devanagri [Fr. Moreno de Souza,sj, and
diocesan clergy like Fr.Jaime Couto, Fr. Mousinho de Ataide, et al]  do not
figure in the Mhakash at all.  ;-(

The Official Language Act,1987 of Goa, Daman & Diu recognises "Konkani in
devanagri script" as the sole official language. It bothers me not. The
future of any language is not in devanagri. The GOENCHO ULO is not in
devanagri or it wouild not be on so many netgroups and websites. The
GOENCHO ULO has nothing "Official " about it. It is a periodical in our
mother tongue, in a dialect we understand in contemporary Goa. No one is
forced to read it. The choice is of the reader. The readers world wide are
making an informed choice. The choice is clear. It has clearly rattled a few
who OPPOSE Roman script to maintain their hegemony. They should learn from
Sanskrit experience. It is getting revived by aloowing students to answer
the questions in any language of their choice. It is a marks "scoring"
subject at the "plus 2" level of school, the pre-university course [PUC].

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernado Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Will Ulo be in deva nagiri? (G. Goncalves)So many
> judases for Goa!!
> B. Colaco
> --- Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jayanti-k Konknnitn PhD podvi
> > Jayanti Naik ek boreantli bori Konknni borovpi asa
> > ani xodh lavpachea vavrant
> > tinnem namnna zoddlea. Jayanti mhontto, "Eke bailek
> > monachi svotontrai mellona
> > zalear orthik svotontrai mellon faido na. Hi
> > svontontrai mellpak tinnem
> > veovosthit toren xikxit zavnk zai." Konknnintlean
> > poilich Goa Universitintlean
> > PhD podvi mellovpacho man Jayantin zoddlo.
We are proud of Jayanti Naik for obtaining the first Ph.D in Konkani from
Goa University. It is the first flush in 20 years of the University that has
seen 17 convocations without a Ph.D. in Konkani, notwithstanding the fact
that Dr.Olivinho Gomes headed the Konkani Dept. for most of this period. The
first Ph.D came after his retirement from the Goa University. That is the
Just the minor detail that the Ph.D thesis is written in Devanagri does not
change it one whit for us. It can be transliterated into Roman script in no
time at all.We have  been transliterating the rubbish that Subhash Velingkar
wrote  about the Fontainhas Festival of Art and his vandal creation,
Rajendra, in the SUNAPARANT. We have even transliterated the grandiose
dreams of Adv. Uday Bhembre in his roadmap to nowhere. Transliteration of
the Ph.D. thesis would be a pleasure. We hope to give that privilege to the
researcher herself. It will reach a greater audience, worldwide when she
does it.

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
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|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

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