Hi Philip,

One additional example of our Military Higher-ups callous regard of any norms 
of propriety is the fact that hundreds of  residential
flats in Bombay were requisitioned in 1942-44 to accomodate the additional 
Army, Navy and Air Force officers posted to Bombay during
World War II.

Over a hundred of these flats continue to remain requisitioned till today  --  
2005 --  SIXTY years after W W II ended!!!!

Rent per month paid for such flats (many in Colaba area) are in the vicinity of
Rs.100/- for flats with over 1,000 sq ft area  --  these command rents today 
of over Rs. 50,000/-

Third generation of many of the original owners cannot get these flats back 
for their own use  --  even after appeals to Minister of
Defence, Prime Minister and President of India!!!!

And the shame is that thousands of flats have been built in the Colaba 
Military Area exclusively for Army and Naval personnel by the
Government of India from funds contributed by Indians, including those who 
have been victimised by this Government of India.


Aloysius D'Souza

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

| It seems the Indian Air Force is marking ts 73rd "Raising Day" on Oct 8. In
| the event it is planning to run a series of flight exercises on four days
| including Oct 8 this week.

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