|                         Wishing all Goanetters                         |
|                             a Prosperous                               |
|                                  and                                   |
|                         Happy New Year - 2006                          |
|                    Goanet - http://www.goanet.org                      |
I liked you piece on Malaika.  Many thanks. I played it so often at Goan and 
other community dances in East Africa and UK  but did not know about its 
Mombasa (my hometown) roots. Do let us have more such info, and especially 
about your singing repertoire.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Barros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Malaika is a Swahili ballad which in Swahili means My Angel. It
> was written by a Kenyan from Mombasa - Fadhili Williams who went
> on to sing its first version with a Kenyan singer- Mona Miller.

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
|                                                                        |
|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

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