So what's your point, Preetam? Why rib Philip Thomas? In my
view, he does a damn fine job of keeping us abrest with
airport issues and Dabolim/Mopa. Someone who has an open mind
to face up to different aspects of reality -- there are many
shades of grey -- needs to be appreciated, not ridiculed.
And, fyi, Philip Thomas has been pretty consistent with his
stand on the airport, though some might try to discredit
those they don't see eye-to-eye with. FN

Preetam Raikar preetam_raikar1 at
Wed May 17 14:19:57 PDT 2006

> Phillip Thomas is unable to digest the article on Goans,
> wheter pro or anti foreigner, pro or anti Indian, just as
> we are unable to digest his articles on Mopa and Dabolim,
> one day he's pro Dabolim the next day anti Dabolim and the
> third NEUTRAL !!!!!! Cheers Preetam

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