Hi Admin: really sorry ‘bout this, format got messed up (forgot to tab!)rather unreadable.. Been inundated with requests to re-set & re-send. Have now done so - would you be kind enough to re-post this in yr next, with my apologies ?

If you came in late: Miguel (16), Bertie (10) and Anisha (22), live with parents, Dr. G.A. and Marilia De Souza, in Mangor, Vasco. Miguel tries to keep sane, his daily musings dominated by his rambunctious family, friends, neighbours, pet, father's patients and the endlessly bubbling ingredients that make up the chaotic, modern Goa of today. Miguel proudly insists "This is a di-ary, not a bo-llog (blog). It's reel !"

                    DIARY OF A GOAN TEEN:

SUN. 30 APRIL: Mum, Bertie, Anisha, Kazi & I went for the 10am mass at St. Andrew's. Dad does not go to church (regularly). He calls the church 'God's commission agent'. In case you're wondering, Kazi is Anisha's Muslim boyfriend, besotted enough with her pimply face, to even attend our infidel services. We were squished between 2 matrons reeking of Charlie & chorisao. Bertie surpassed himself by outshrieking the choir. I think Kazi lifted 50/- from the collection. That's muslims for you - dad insists they're light-fingered and have no education.

MON. 1 MAY: Today was a public holiday. But all the shops were open. Possibly their owners can't read. I went to the hindu temple in Mangor. I'm very secular. This business of hindus & muslims leaving their footwear outside fascinates me - the shoe theft is unbelievable. Have you ever noticed how all the shoe-stores are owned by muslims & hindus - whose 'weekly off' is either Monday or Friday, the day of temple/mosque worship ? Makes one wonder what the market is like for used chappals…

TUE. 2 MAY: Today my parents argued. Mum is long-suffering and saintly. Dad only 'believes' in the 2 Goan saints - Pe. Agnel and Pe. Jose Vaz. Mum says dad is no longer a Christian, so he must be either an atheist or agnostic. Dad insists he's only ‘agnel’ostic, not agnostic. My grandma, a wacky devotee, named him Gustav Agnel, and his brother Agnel Gustav. Dad annoys mum, insisting Pe. Jose Vas was the founder of Vastu - giving direction to our lives and homes. Tells mum to light a ponti.

WED. 3 MAY: Anisha isn't talking to dad today, because it seems he called Kazi, 'Dotor Kaza Moyo'(a deranged psychopath, currently in Aguada jail), and he said their Kazar would be our Mornar. Anisha said dad rails against other religions yet takes their patient-fees which, she said, was blatantly ‘hypocritic’. Dad insists he took the Hippocratic oath before practising medicine' so his conscience is clear.

THU. 4 MAY: Bella phoned & Bertie snatched my mobile answering " Piso not at home, leave your massage !" before I kicked him and retrieved my cell. Bella's my current belle, pretty but light-headed. But you don't need any brains to do 11th Arts, so that's OK. I think her brother's a druggie (or a goonda of some sort), he looks kinda greasy, but hey, who's perfect ! Anyway, she wanted to go for a spin, so I picked her up at 6pm and dropped her back at 9pm, out of sight of grungy acid-head.

FRI. 5 MAY: At Latin mass we intone "secula, seculorum". I'm super-secularum – today I 'went to mosque'. Man, their marbled floors really sparkle. But when they bend en masse for namaz, you get some idea how Saddam gassed the Kurds. And the beggars outside are much more inventive (“humko kucchh dena..”) than those outside St. Andrew's. I didn't see Kazi there (unless he was disguised in a burqua), but then again muslims don't have collection plates passed around. Still puzzled how muslims are allowed 9 wives. Or is that cats ......?

SAT. 6 MAY: Did I tell you we have a dog ? His name is Hitler, and he takes his role very seriously - visiting genocide upon ghantti children. On their part, they gang up on him, lure him, then douse him in paint & diesel. The result is absolute pandemonium. When he bites a couple, the ghantti ladies come whining home to my mum for compensation. Dad always insists mum pay them by cheque - he says all beggars have accounts in Dena bank. He seems also familiar with their family trees.

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