The reservation system in India is like a two headed
snake that spits out venom and hurts the very people
it is supposed to protect. Arjun Singh, HRD minister
of India is set to impose an almost 50% OBC
reservation in government-funded higher institutions
of education.

Reservations in India, far from serving the purpose of
national integration, creates yet another caste in
India. That of the academically disabled. While on the
one hand proposals to increase the pass rate from 35%
and changes to syllabus are strictly opposed by OBC
students,on the other hand reservation quotes are
rammed down the throats of higher institutions of
education , without much debate and in much haste.

Fostering an atmosphere of entitlement rather than
merit does not serve the purpose of a country
competing globally and for whom a vital source of
revenue comes for outsourcing and export of IT

More importantly, it depresses and dampens the spirit
of our youth. Students scoring as high as 90% are
forced to take on streams of education they have no
interest it while someone who scores a mere 50% can
get into a premier institution. Social justice cannot
be perverted and then justified. It makes a mockery
out of the word justice.

Politics is a dirty game and each political party
barters its soul to the devil to gain a few votes.
These policies of appeasement do little to uplift but
doubtless do much for the vote-banks and bank accounts
of our politicians.

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