The vital link on the NH 17 the "Zuari Bridge" linking
Agacaim in Tiswadi (Ilhas) Taluka  on the Northern end
with Cortalim in Mormugao Taluka at the Southern end
opened since 1983 is being declared unsafe for motor
vehicles of above six  tons come Friday the 16th June

An ex official (whose name has been witheld on
request)from the PWD at Altinho, Panaji, informed this
writer in  a detailed tele-talk this forenoon  that  
the unchristened " Zuari" Bridge has some interesting
insights    (just as yet another bridge with the
official name as Jawaharlal Nehru Bridge has its
unchristened name the "Mandovi" Bridge  ) which needs
a probe.

"Zuari" Bridge was constructed in the early eighties
as a high level road bridge, 627 metres length with
four main spans at distance of 122 metres each (to
provide for  under bridge navigation  of barges
between two central spans (with 55 metres wide
navigable channels ) providing a vertical clearance of
13.7 metres above high tide level of over 1000 tonnes
dwt at speed not exceeding six knots)  with two end
spans each of 69.5 metres. 

This superstructure adopting the Fressynet system with
"in situ" RCC docking in a transition curve which is
cast progressively by the cantilever methods of
construction has a 10.5 metres width providing a clear
carriageway of 7.5 metres with 1.5 metres wide
footpaths on either sides.  There were addition
protective devices to absorb barge impact and the
foundation wells were as deep as 40 metres below HTL
(High Tide Level). 

According to this ex-official the Bridge was "jinxed "
not because it was deprived of the "blood of humans"
as was commonly believed, to satiate  the demons
demanding in return the safety of the bridge, but
owing to "money thirsty politicos"   

It is stated  that some incriminating evidence may
still be  available in the files gathering dust in the
PWD wherein the Dredging Corporation of India is
believed to have initially forseen the feasibility of
a bridge on the present location of the Konkan Railway
bridge that is on the eastern side as against the
present site on the western side.  It is for this
reason the KRC constructed the rail bridge in a short
time  and with amazing ease unlike the "Zuari" road

The reason attributed to the failure of the "Zuari"
bridge was that the terrain viz; "khazan" soil of  the
"Decking in slope" at the Agacaim end especially just
next to the navigational channel span ,  later
jocularly referred to as "longdo" lame in Konkani or 
"dangling   span"  that led to the  cost overrun of
initial estimates of Rs.2.12 crores and time delay of
beyond  48 months.

So why then was the present site chosen oen may ask?

Well our Union Territory status remember Goa Daman and
Diu and the  Indian National Congress Party  had just
tasted power since 1980. It was the Central Government
which would decide or atleast influence such decisions
for they controlled the territories "purse" .
Then  cement was a "luxurious commodity" it was
marketed by the Goa Marketing Federation a Corporation
of the Government of Goa, the famine for cement
vis-a-vis infrastructure plans on the anvil was so
much that at one stage imports from South Korea were
resorted to and a "jinxed span" would only ADD to the
coffers of the politicians and the party.  Who cares
for safety and durability.  Thus the present site was

M/s Gammon India was perhaps then one of the only
reputed firms besides Uttar Pradesh Construction Co
Ltd executing such infrastructure projects. Their
integrity was not in doubt for they had only to
execute the works the locale was the choice of
"politicos" and the "engineers architects" 

So much of the midnight oil was burnt on this
"dangling span" that the long drawn struggle at this
span  involved a  24 X 7 all year round work which is
believed also led to frustration and penury of one of
its workman who is believed to have eventually
murdered an official of M/s Gammon India "in situ".

It was for fear of the jinxed status even before the
bridge could be named and inaugurated it was declared
open and is being referred to as "Zuari" bridge since
it runs accross the Zuari river.

The bridge was in April 1997 declared closed for
similar repairs and the inconvenience caused to
commuters was tremendous.  .

The  present repairs would easily take over an year
before being declared safe for above 6 ton motor
vehicles and plans  for a new bridge would finalise
only by the  end of the decade as a matter of routine,
 unless one is built near the existing Konkan Railway
Bridge or more towards  the eastern end.

Therefore ferry services will be pressed and North
bound commuters from South Goa and other states will
have a harrowing experience, and a pinch in their

Incidentally on July 5th 1986 will be the 20th
aniversary of the collapse of the now referred to as
"Old Mandovi" Bridge.

Many Goans were in animated discussions at the bridge
when this writer visited it late  evening saying that
perhaps this time  St Anthony of Padua whose Feast was
celebrated on 13th June preferred to unravel the bleak
future of the  bridge  when instead of expected heavy
rainfall  on the ocassion of this Feast  there was
bright sunshine allowing one a  "peep into" the
yawning fissures  on the fifth span of the "Zuari"

For the coalition Government it is election year is
months ahead and they will have to soothe the weary
foot of the commuters who use the "Zuari" Bridge --
yes a free passage to and fro Cortalim to Agacaim via
our ferries would be one option.

from the Zuari bridge end


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