Dear Goan,
             just remember that our blood goan
Ministers n Mps can't do or remember Dr. Jack de
Sequeira statue , one Day see non goan person will
come on the CM chair n they will do the Dream true
just beleive my words.

yours fellow goan

stephen fernandes

--- "A. Veronica Fernandes"

> Statue for Dr. Jack de Sequeira.
> These days lot of statements is made in support of
> erecting of a statue of 
> the late Dr. Jack Sequeira who is called the father
> of Opinion Poll.  It is 
> a good suggestion but who will bell the cat?  Is it
> the Congress Government 
> headed by Pratapshing Rane?  Never.  Rane having
> been brought up in the 
> cradle of MGP in Goa under Dayananda Bandodkar will
> never opt nor support 
> the building of a statue of Dr. Sequeira because
> supporting this view means 
> Rane going against the wishes of MGP which supported
> merger. Rane’s MGP that 
> time dubbed Christians who in an overwhelming
> majority opposed merger of Goa 
> with the land of Shivaji as anti-Indian and they as
> MGP as pro-Indians.  Who 
> else will support this move in the Goa Government? 
> According to me, nobody. 
>   The only hope we had from our supporters during
> the Opinion Poll is also 
> dashed away when as former Chief Ministers of Goa
> namely Francisco Sardinha, 
> Dr. Willfred D’Souza, Dr. Proto Barbosa, Churchill
> Alemao and Luizinho 
> Faleiro totally ignored the father of Opinion Poll
> during their governance.  
> BJP and others are also not interested in Jack de
> Sequeira because BJP under 
> Parrikar a RSS man will not support keeping alive
> the memory of a Christian, 
> Dr. Jack de Sequeira.  Besides this, there is not
> even a single MLA in Goa 
> Legislative Assembly during last so many years to
> raise his or her voice in 
> the House for the erection of Dr. Sequeira’s statue.
> If the above mentioned 
> chief ministers and others enjoyed the political
> privileges and political 
> positions in Goa they must know that they owe a lot
> to Dr. Sequeira.  When I 
> see the monument of Dayananda Bandodkar in Panjim
> and in Calangute I see him 
> not as the first Chief Minister of Goa but I see him
> and tell others also 
> especially the young generation that this was the
> man who betrayed Goa and 
> Goans with a Judas Kiss, I tell everyone that this
> was the man who wanted to 
> liquidate the identity of Goa, Goans, its language,
> culture, history and 
> tradition.  When I see Bandodkar’s monument in Goa I
> see it with hatred 
> exactly the way the Goan freedom fighters used to
> see with hatred the 
> monument of Afonso de Albuquerque at Azad Maidan in
> Panjim.  Both were 
> traitors, one colonized Goa and the other
> volunteered to sell Goa. 
> Ultimately both failed in their missions.
> Albuquerque failed to make Goa a 
> Portuguese territory permanently and Bandodkar
> failed to make Goa a 
> territory of Maharastra permanently. Because he was
> traitor the Monument of 
> Afonso de Albuquerque was removed from Panjim but
> surprisingly the Monuments 
> of Bandodkar is still intact. I am sure the next
> generation of Goans who are 
> going to feel the greater pinch of degoanisation
> process, out of revenge and 
> frustration will surely uproot Bandodkar’s Monument.
> In the light of what I said above I feel some very
> sincere and dedicated 
> persons in Goa who worked tirelessly for the victory
> of Opinion Poll should 
> come forward and make a committee to raise funds for
> the building of a 
> monument of Dr. Jack de Sequeira.  Goans in Goa and
> abroad who subscribe to 
> this idea are not beggars, they will surely support
> this move with their 
> financial backing but the persons who are coming
> forward for this cause 
> should be sincere and dedicated.  The plot and place
> in Panjim can be 
> selected with the help of any well wisher of Opinion
> Poll or well wisher of 
> Dr. Jack de Sequeira.  There are many in Panjim
> including the relatives of 
> Dr. Jack de Sequeira who will volunteer for this
> cause.  Dr. Jack de 
> Sequeira worked for the good of Goa and Goans and as
> such Goans should do 
> something for him in turn and I think Goans are duty
> bound to do this.
> In Agacaim, Ilhas, in the Church compound in front
> of the Church of St. 
> Lorenco while passing on the main road you can see a
> statue of Konkani 
> Martyrs erected by the people of Agacaim, main funds
> coming from Kuwait.  If 
> this issue of erecting Konkani Martyrs statue was
> left into the hands of Goa 
> Government and our Ministers and MLAs who supported
> Konkani and Statehood, I 
> am sure nothing would happen because those whom we
> call “amche” are no more 
> ours, they forget our causes once they are elected
> in the Assembly.  Once 
> they are elected they become cowards, crooks and
> “Bamtte” for this reason 
> our causes are suffering.
> Above I said “sincere and dedicated” persons should
> come forward and make a 
> committee to raise funds for the erection of Dr.
> Jack de Sequeira’s statue 
> because in the past we had a very bitter experience
> of relying unknowingly 
> on “chor & bamtte” who duped us of our money we
> raised to crate funds for so 
> many good causes of Goa.  For example, for Konkani
> Novem Goem Daily Paper we 
> from Kuwait itself donated about 5 lakhs of rupees
> and yet it failed.  Why?  
> Because the persons who initiated and handled this
> move Gurunath Kelekar, 
> Christopher Fonseca, Dr. Rebello and others were not
> sincere and dedicated 
> persons.  They had different motives in their minds
> which they wanted to 
> fulfill thru Konkani movement.  For Cancer Hospital
> we donated about 15 - 20 
> lakhs and yet there is no Cancer Hospital of Goans. 
> Where our money gone?  
> Is it gone into the coffers of Manipal Hospital or
> into the pockets of those 
> who originated this idea?  These are the only two
> examples which make us 
> more concerned and extremely alert in collecting
> funds for any good cause of 
> Goa.  For this reason, those who are willing to come
> forward for the cause 
> of Dr. Jack de Sequeira’s statue, they should be of
> clean record, sincere 
> and dedicated.  For example, Fr. Freddy embarked on
> collecting funds for the 
> construction of a Church at Bambolim.  The results
> was positive.  It must be 
> like this.
> A. Veronica Fernandes,
> Kuwait.
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