dear Liz,

Your ourburst was wrong only because you chose to make it under an unrelated 'heading'. That is what George Pinto also does sometimes, and that is why I take up cudgels. You could have said what ever it is that you want to vent against the Church mischief of the past under another heading of your own, or on another forum dealing exclusively with catholic doctrine and or religion; but not in response to a news item where a head of the Church is only doing his job.

My further enlightenment :-) :-) to you is: You are always free to answer or respond to anything! Do not be afraid of loosing my invitation; it stands regardless. :-) :-) you have again spoken of enlightenment; completely under another heading and surely out of context. Being in 'The Holy Spirit' could help you from making such rash responses that seem to be, 'not in context'.

I do not wish to take the name of God in vain! I will hence forth refrain in this, and I hope I am forgiven.

Nasci Caldeira

Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Re: [Goanet] The next Gandhi: I'll make India better off than Britain

I've often wondered whether I should dedicatedly
further my own point of view in a debate because I
feel it is the right view or whether I should be
capable of holding two opposing points of view in my
mind and appreciating both of them.

I don't know the answer to that quandary. When I get
the answer maybe I will be "enlightened" like Nasci.
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A question that arises quite frequently in internet
> discussions nowadays is: Can one engage in a rational
> discourse without expressing varying degrees of
> contempt for those who hold opposing points of view?

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