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President APJ Kalam has drawn the road map for Goa and
Sonia Gandhi has brought out an 18 point ETHICS CODE
for Congress leaders with austerity as the new mantra.
All this may not have any bearing on Goa politicians
who have their own agenda and have over the years
matured in the art of clinging to office to serve
their selfish ends.

The Goa Congress Party has missed a golden opportunity
of capturing the public's imagination. They could have
shown that they really meant business by scrapping the
Planning and Development Authorities (PDAs) and
banishing the Zilla Parishads by empowering the
Village Panchayats.

The current agitation by the Santa Cruz Citizen's
Committee to demand exclusion of Santa Cruz, Merces
and Chimbel from the North Goa PDA is commendable but
one can see the political overtones in it with
Victoria Fernandes trying to settle political scores
and the BJP trying to use the issue to fish in Goa's
murky political waters.

The rivalry and feud between Mrs. Victoria Fernandes
and Babush Monserrate is nothing new. It was only
further charged during the last Taleigao Panchayat
elections when Victoria's kin had to bite the dust at
the hands of the panel set up by the Taleigao MLA who
made a clean sweep.

Mrs. Victoria Fernandes is asking the people to
protest against the government's decision. Why does
she not set an example and as a protest first herself
resign from all government posts doled out to her? 
The crumbs of Deputy Speaker and Chairmanship of Goa
Handicrafts Corporation that were craftily handed over
to her and she willingly fell for it.

Victoria's unwarranted outbursts against Santa Cruz's
long-serving Sarpanch William Gonsalves and Merces ZP
Member Kishore Narvekar are in bad taste. They have
supported her in the past and Victoria should not
expect everyone to always dance to her political

Victoria Fernandes has also been the Chairman of the
North Goa PDA in the past. What steps did she take to
exclude rural areas including Ribandar which though
then part of Panjim Municipality had all the looks of
a rural area?

I have known and worked with Victoria Fernandes on
various issues over the last three decades.
Understandably over the last few years she has not
keeping good health which in a way may be the cause
for the neglect in the overall development of Santa
Cruz Constituency of which Ribandar is currently a

With her term as MLA soon coming to an end and she
having made it public at the last election that it
would be her last, she should now focus on trying to
find a young and dynamic successor to carry the Santa
Cruz constituency forward. William Gonsalves, Kishore
Narvekar, Adv Atanasio Monteiro amongst others may be
able to do justice to the job. As far as Ribandar is
concerned at the next assembly elections we will be
part of Panjim Constituency. Whether it is for better
or worse, only time will tell!

Aires Rodrigues

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