Vatican releases Pope Benedict's first book, 
'God's Revolution'
 - By Carol Glatz


VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican joined with other
publishers in an 18-nation release of Pope Benedict
XVI's first book as pope -- a collection of his
speeches from August events in Cologne, Germany. 

In his newest book, titled "God's Revolution," the
pope "outlines the project for his pontificate,"
according to a press release by the Italian
publishers, San Paolo. 

The Italian edition hit bookstores in Italy Oct. 11,
while the English edition published by Ignatius Press
was expected to be ready for release in the United
States and Canada by the end of October. 

The 129-page volume "deals with the questions of
Christian faith and the destiny of humanity, of the
state of Israel, Islam, the legacy and the future of
the church and society," said the press release. 

But instead of any new pronouncements, the book is a
collection of talks the pope gave during the Aug.
18-21 events in Cologne, including World Youth Day and
meetings with representatives of Germany's Jewish and
Muslim communities. The texts include the pope's
complete remarks, not just his original written

The Vatican saw there was a need to release the full
content of the pope's spoken presentations in book
form so that they would be available to the wider

The papal vicar of Rome, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, said
that while the media gave extensive coverage of the
youth gathering this summer, the contents of the
pope's speeches "inevitably received rather minor

"It's impossible for the mass media to cover
everything," he said at a press conference Oct. 11. He
added there is little room for media outlets "to delve
into the content" of the pope's speeches.

Father Claudio Rossini, head of the Vatican's
publishing house, Libreria Editrice, said turning the
12 speeches the pope made in Cologne into a book helps
"distribute the texts beyond the usual channels" of
the Vatican's newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, and the
Vatican's television, CTV. 

The pope's discourses are rich in teaching and
instruction that "need to be read, reread and reread
again patiently," Father Rossini told Catholic News

Father Rossini said the Vatican wanted to see "how the
market responds to this" before deciding if it would
publish other key addresses in book form. 

Cardinal Ruini, who wrote the book's introduction,
said the collection of speeches represents a guidebook
and "source of light" for Christian living. 

The book's teachings show that the pope is "a great
teacher of the faith and at the same time a shepherd
who knows the path that will lead us into intimacy
with God," he said. 

Copyright (c) 2005 Catholic News Service/U.S.
Conference of Catholic 

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