The following is my write-up appeared in the local Arab Times today. It may interest some of goanet readers. Hence, I reproduce it here.



At last the current World Cup tournament has started with the host country Germany creating an unexpected upset in the inaugural match over their opponents by scoring 4 goals but surprisingly conceding 2. This was due to the weakness in the defense line of Germany for which they will suffer more mortification and also because of the weak goalkeeping under their bar. If Oliver Khan was guarding the German posts I am sure both the goals he would have saved, his vast experience and safe pair of gloves associated with strong sense of anticipation Germany will surely miss this time due to wrong decision of Klinsman. Yet I admire Oliver Kahan's sportsmanship to join the squad as number two keeper without showing any dissent. Zico's Japan failed to rise to the occasion due to lack of high match temparement, Zico has failed to teach his boys the geometrical approach as he used to do during his playing days in tune with Brazilian tradition. Though it is premature to judge the strength and weakness of the teams seen so far in the first round yet Brazil will have to improve upon their current form where they were very lucky not to concede an equalizer from Croatia. Ronaldinho is playing with over confidence as if he is omnipotent, a tinge of pride is seen in his approach and because of this he is bound to spoil his normal great game.

Soccer is the game of masses and being so there is not a single country in this world that does not play this beautiful game. But are all the peoples all around the globe and especially the masses getting opportunities to see this World Cup live? I doubt very much because due to over commercialisation and too much greed of money making by FIFA, the rights of TV coverage is become very expensive. Even a country like Kuwait which is supposed to be one of the richest countries in the world is finding it difficult to purchase the rights for TV coverage. In view of this many of the "muskins" like me are finding it difficult to watch this beautiful game live from my home TV. Like me, many of the soccer fanatics coming from the class of masses are also finding it difficult to watch all the matches of this World Cup live thanks to FIFA's greed for making more money.

Soccer is the only sport that very loudly, very boldly and very spontaneously bring the entire world together. Soccer has such a magnetic power that it discards racism, casteism, regionalism, religious fanaticsm and all the man-made barriers. It is like a religion that preaches universal brotherhood. Where Esperanto failed soccer succeeded thru the medium of this game. It is like universal language understood by the entire world. For this reason the membership of FIFA overpowers the membership of UN. It is the greatness of soccer that destroyed the arrogance of apartheid in the West. When the Black Pearl Pele, a black negro, scored goals his white colleagues embraced him, hugged him and kissed him as if he is one of them. So much so even his first wife Rose Marie who as white skinned forgot to see the colour of Pele's skin and embraced his as her husband. Likewise there are innumerable examples to cite how soccer unites peoples by rejecting fake disparities created by man for his own personal gains.

In every World Cup we see some old records are shattered and new records are created. But the only and the oldest record so far remained unbroken is that of Just Fontaine's 13 goals record he created in 1958 World Cup in Sweden. When he created this record the number of participating teams was only 16 but now we have 32 teams increased from 16 to 24 and finally to 32 and yet no star scorer can either break the record of Fontaine or emulate his feat. Gerd Mueller The Bomber of Germany came very near with 10 goals in 1970 but failed to succeed. Earlier the great Black Panther Eusebio of Portugal in 1966 tried in vain inspite of his pre-planned decision to score highest number of goals. To achieve the goal of his plan, as he wrote in his masterpiece in 1966 "My name is Eusebio" originally written in Portuguese, said Eusebio " I wanted to be the highest scorer and yet it was not easy. Hence, I decided with my colleagues in the Portuguese team Jose Agusto and Torres to feed me as many passes as possible and if I get the highest scorer award, I will share a percentage of it with you". Eusebio though succeeded in scoring highest number of goals in 1966 World Cup held in England but he failed in breaking or equaling the great feat achieved by Just Fontaine who is at 72 now enjoying strong memories of his record and yet boldly says "Nobody will break my record".

A. Veronica Fernandes,
Safat, Kuwait."

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