Dear Goanet Subscribers,

My meatspace name is Rohit Gupta, and I am a storyteller. Yes, I
know that needs some explanation and here it is. I was writer
in my previous avatar. Over the last two years I did research
in Indian history alongside the history of technology, and that of clocks.
During this long ordeal, I discovered Jantar Mantar, a lost book written by
Jyotishacharya Ganganath Triyambak, circa 1900.

In 9 parts, it describes the life of this astrologer in the early twentieth
century, and more significantly - it is a prophecy of the 20th century,
using parallels between society and abstract machines.
This sounded very academic to most people, yes -
so I started performing this poem live with music, dressed as the Rajasthani
astrologer, explaining things where needed. Please note that Triyambak's
predictions  are recited to the audience long after the events he
predicted have happened, by the person who
discovered this lost book - DJ Fadereu.

I'm leaving Bombay because the police have imposed a bizzarro
license on live artistic performances, which is too expensive
for my modest means. I travel and tell this story, and whatever
money I make from my audience - I use it to travel and write.

So I thought of Goa, a place I love and long to see again,
but this time not as a tourist, but as a  friend of the local community.
I have a lot to learn about Goa, its people and history. (Pssst...
 If the name "Dr. Garcia da Orta" means anything to you,
 please let me know. I am also planning to drink
 as much feni as I can and do "research". Heh!)

Plans: I will be taking up a cheap room somewhere near Calangute to begin
with (less than 200 a day), and try my luck at the shacks and cafes
for evening performances. If you can reccommend some nice places,
restaurants where I can perform,  or if you own one yourself,
I would love to meet up with you during my visit and tell my story.
I will be shuttling between Bombay and Goa until I finish my schedule
of acts here in corporate offices. My contacts, and a detailed website
about the show is listed below.

I look forward to hearing from you.

warm regards,

DJ Fadereu
The Jantar Mantar Projekt: The Hip Hop Hopera
^ hip hopoetry + muzack + opera buffo + laptop + gadgetzookery = phun
Phone: +91 98675 80501

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