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As you must be aware by now the Goa police has lost its independence and
sense of security. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and his ministers have
been interfering with the day-to-day functioning of the Goa Police.

Ministers choose to post their blue-eyed police Inspectors in police
stations in their constituencies so that the politicians are able to shield
their workers and use the police to torture their political foes.

Public relations Officer Mr. Shamba Sawant should not be the target. The PRO
acts on instructions of the DGP. And we all know that Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar manipulates every move of the DGP. Although Mr. Amod Kanth might
have had big plans of ensuring good policing in Goa, he by now must be very
frustrated with the system he presides over. Having to fall to the dictates
of the politicians round the clock, Mr. Amod Kanth must be regretting his
posting in Goa.

We all know why the former DGP Seva Das was shunted out of Goa after a very
brief stint. He was an officer who took no nonsense from the politicians.

The interference with the working of the police has drastically increased
during Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Parrikar's regime but it is a fact that it
did exist during the earlier Congress regimes too.

A very upright former DGP R.S Sahaye for not bowing down to the then Chief
Minister's orders was overnight given marching orders. A visibly shocked and
heart broken Sahaye left for Delhi but died of a massive heart attack just a
few weeks later. I met him the day he was leaving Goa and I could sense how
shell-shocked he was to the way he was treated by the then Chief Minister.

So if this is the sense of insecurity amongst the top brass just imagine the
fate and dilemma of the low ranking staff.

The Chief Minister keeps saying that the Law will take its course. But we
all know that Manohar Parrikar is the law and the police take his course.

Aires Rodrigues

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