I think it is the type of the enclosed message that will drive more and more moderate Hindus into the BJP camp. Just like Gilbert's earlier postings.

Another thing I have noticed. The BJP, the RSS, comes out for frequent condemnation. But one does not hear of anything against the Congress, and we see the Marxist election manifesto pasted on this list. Do I take it that these organisations are so wonderful that they do not merit any adverse mention.

Sachin Phadte.

Message: 9 From: "Santana Afonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 22:25:01 +0530 Subject: [Goanet]BJP's 'Closed-Door' Campaign for Demolishing of Christian Churches in Goa. Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ha! What is going on in our beautiful Goa these days? Am I just dreaming in my sleep?

A great shock to all goans living in Goa, middle east, Europe, Africa, America and other parts of the world and as well as in India to know that CM Manohar Parrikar and his troupe along with non-goans in the hinduvta gang, conducting a 'closed-door' campaign in South Goa by adopting false promises to peace loving goans in Goa just as the high priests of Jews did to Jesus in crucifying him on the cross. The aforesaid 'closed-door' campaign is to nail every Christian and Muslim on the cross.

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